Build A Calendar Table | CSS-Tricks (2024)

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  1. Mike

    Permalink to comment#

    How would i alter this to highlight the current day?


    • Jason

      Permalink to comment#

      Add this two vars to the top of script:

      $today_date = date("d");$today_date = ltrim($today_date, '0');

      Then change the date loop to the following:

       while ($currentDay <= $numberDays) { // Seventh column (Saturday) reached. Start a new row. if ($dayOfWeek == 7) { $dayOfWeek = 0; $calendar .= "</tr><tr>"; } $currentDayRel = str_pad($currentDay, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $date = "$year-$month-$currentDayRel"; if($currentDayRel == $today_date ){ $calendar .= "<td class='day' id='today_date ' rel='$date'><b>$currentDay</b></td>"; } else { $calendar .= "<td class='day' rel='$date'>$currentDay</td>"; } // Increment counters $currentDay++; $dayOfWeek++; }

      Use the id=’today_date ‘ in your css to change the days appearance….

      Hope this helps…
      – Jason

  2. Brian Dady

    Permalink to comment#

    These functions may also be used. The first creates a calendar a specific month/year, and the second creates a full year calendar from specified month/year.

    //For Specific Month and Year
    $month = "3"; //Number of month (1-12)
    $year = "2010"; //Four digets
    echo build_calendar($month,$year,$dateArray);

    //For all Months in Specific Year
    $year = "2010";
    $i = 1;
    $month=1; //Numeric Value
    while($i <'s= 12){
    echo build_calendar($month,$year,$dateArray);


    • Brian Dady

      Permalink to comment#

      The second code should actually read:

      //For all Months in Specific Year
      $year = "2010";
      $i = 1;
      $month=1; //Numeric Value
      while($i <'s= 12){
      echo build_calendar($month,$year,$dateArray);

    • Mark

      Permalink to comment#

      This is pretty neat. Thank you.
      I still cannot get the complete year to work however.
      Any ideas?

    • seuser

      Permalink to comment#

      while($i <= 12){
      instead of while($i <'s= 12){

  3. Zachary

    Permalink to comment#

    Could you post on how to have events (localhost database) displayed in the calendar and also have calendar controls such as picking of the month, year and next & previous month. Thanks

    Zachary ([emailprotected])


    • Jason

      Permalink to comment#

      Just query your database by the date of the event… explode the string so that you only get the day in a one digit format. Then in the date print loop (see my above code), check to see if the date queried equals the $currentDay. If it does, print the event(s) data. It will re-query every time with the new date.


      $result = mysql_query("SELECT event_title FROM events WHERE event_date = '".$currentDay."'") or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_results > 0){ echo $row['event_title']; } else{ } 

      Put the code while ($currentDay <= $numberDays) { } loop…

      while ($currentDay <= $numberDays) { // Seventh column (Saturday) reached. Start a new row. if ($dayOfWeek == 7) { $dayOfWeek = 0; $calendar .= "</tr><tr>"; } $currentDayRel = str_pad($currentDay, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $date = "$year-$month-$currentDayRel"; if($currentDayRel == $today_date ){ $calendar .= "<td class='day' id='today_date ' rel='$date'><b>$currentDay</b>";$result = mysql_query("SELECT event_title FROM events WHERE event_date = '".$currentDay."'") or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_results > 0){$i=0;while($i <= $num_results) { $calendar.= $row['event_title']; }} else{ } $calendar.= "</td>"; } else { $calendar .= "<td class='day' rel='$date'>$currentDay</td>"; } // Increment counters $currentDay++; $dayOfWeek++; }

      Double check my request query loop, but that should work…

  4. anup

    Permalink to comment#

    It’s really a good script and idea to implement. Nice one! Dev. can use / customize with his needs. ;)


  5. Pritesh Patel

    Permalink to comment#

    Questions, what is the third argument $dateArray for? Seems to me there’s no reference in the function for this argument.

    Great tool. I wish there was a way to change the month but this would require ajax or using an iframe.


    • Kevin

      Permalink to comment#


       $calendar .= "<td class='day' rel='$date'>$currentDay</td>";

      To something like this (displays the date information next to the date):

       $calendar .= "<td class='day' rel='$date'>$currentDay"; if(isset($dateArray[mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $currentDay, $year)])){ $calendar.=$dateArray[mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $currentDay, $year)]; } $calendar.="</td>";

      Or this (links to a page for specific dates):

       $calendar .= "<td class='day' rel='$date'>"; if(isset($dateArray[mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $currentDay, $year)])){ $calendar.="<a href=\"$dateArray[mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $currentDay, $year)]\">$currentDay</a>"; }else{ $calendar.=$currentDay; } $calendar.="</td>";

      and build the array elsewhere. See the page I linked to my name for output (I still need to clean up some formatting).

  6. Navee

    Permalink to comment#

    Likewise…what IS the 3rd argument $dateArray for? I’m getting undefined variable errors as a result. Removed both references of it from the code and the Calendar appears fine without errors.


  7. Irene

    Permalink to comment#

    I am learning to put a calendar on a web blog and came across this thread. Could you please tell me what is the full script etc for the calendar please…..

    Thanks in advance


  8. Dylan

    Permalink to comment#

    My small change to have the week start on Monday:

    $dayOfWeek = $dateComponents['wday'] - 1; // fix for monday startif ($dayOfWeek < 0) { $dayOfWeek = 6;}

    Also just change the $daysOfWeek array.

    Hope it works :)


    • Dan

      Permalink to comment#

      Brilliant! Just what I was looking for :D

    • Artur

      Permalink to comment#

      Short version:

      $dayOfWeek = ($dateComponents[‘wday’] + 6) % 7;

  9. :: kevin :: UK ::

    Permalink to comment#

    Awesome, love it.
    Thank you for a great bit of code, and to the guys that left feedback with optional changes that really do improve the calendar’s functionality


  10. Dery

    Permalink to comment#

    hi ,i’m a student in senior high school (newbie) , i implemented this in fuelphp but there are some bug ,


    class Controller_Calendar extends Controller_Timetable{
    public function before(){

    public function build_calendar($month,$year) {

    // Create array containing abbreviations of days of week.
    $daysOfWeek = array('S','M','T','W','T','F','S');

    // What is the first day of the month in question?
    $firstDayOfMonth = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);

    // How many days does this month contain?
    $numberDays = date('t',$firstDayOfMonth);

    // Retrieve some information about the first day of the
    // month in question.
    $dateComponents = getdate($firstDayOfMonth);

    // What is the name of the month in question?
    $monthName = $dateComponents['month'];

    // What is the index value (0-6) of the first day of the
    // month in question.
    $dayOfWeek = $dateComponents['wday'];

    // Create the table tag opener and day headers

    $calendar = "";
    $calendar .= "$monthName $year";
    $calendar .= "";

    // Create the calendar headers

    foreach($daysOfWeek as $day) {
    $calendar .= "$day";

    // Create the rest of the calendar

    // Initiate the day counter, starting with the 1st.

    $currentDay = 1;

    $calendar .= "";

    // The variable $dayOfWeek is used to
    // ensure that the calendar
    // display consists of exactly 7 columns.

    if ($dayOfWeek > 0) {
    $calendar .= "";

    $month = str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

    while ($currentDay <= $numberDays) {

    // Seventh column (Saturday) reached. Start a new row.

    if ($dayOfWeek == 7) {

    $dayOfWeek = 0;
    $calendar .= "";


    $currentDayRel = str_pad($currentDay, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

    $date = "$year-$month-$currentDayRel";

    $calendar .= "$currentDay";

    // Increment counters



    // Complete the row of the last week in month, if necessary

    if ($dayOfWeek != 7) {

    $remainingDays = 7 - $dayOfWeek;
    $calendar .= "";


    $calendar .= "";

    $calendar .= "";

    return $calendar;

    $dateComponents = getdate();
    $i = 1;
    $month=1; //Numeric Value

    ErrorException [ Parsing Error ]: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION in $dateComponents = getdate();

    can all of you explain this problem with me ?


  11. etob

    Permalink to comment#

    Very good script. Concise and short. Thanks

    My small changes to highlight specified dates:

    Before calling main function: $dateArray = array('FEB04','MAR20');

    Inside main function: $monthNameShort = strtoupper(substr($monthName,0,3));

    Inside while ($currentDay <= $numberDays)' loop:

    $date = "$monthNameShort$currentDayRel";if (in_array($date,$dateArray)) $calendar .= "<td class='day' title='$date'><b>$currentDay</td>"; //bold else $calendar .= "<td class='day' title='$date' style='color:grey;'>$currentDay</td>"; //grey


  12. Mehul Boricha

    Permalink to comment#

    Thanks a lot.


  13. Green

    Permalink to comment#

    How can I create a calendar with some dates from previous month and next month. For example:
    Thanks advanced!


    • Perch

      Permalink to comment#

      Bump. I’d like to know this too.



  14. Richie

    Permalink to comment#

    Have no idea if You will be interest in, but I add few lines of code for listing monthBYmonth throu the calendar. I had problem with $dateComponents. I have no idea how to work with so I remove it and use (for me more simple) DATE and MKTIME.

    If You will use it, put it onto bottom of code:

    $next = $_GET["next"];$prev = $_GET["prev"];$today = $_GET["today"];$nextlist = $_GET["nextlist"];$prevlist = $_GET["prevlist"];if ($next == "next") {$month=date('n', $nextlist);$monthName=date('F', $nextlist);$year=date('Y', $nextlist);}elseif ($prev == "prev") {$month=date('n', $prevlist);$monthName=date('F', $prevlist);$year=date('Y', $prevlist);}elseif ($today == "today") {$month=date('n');$monthName=date('F');$year=date('Y');}else {$month=date('n');$monthName=date('F');$year=date('Y');}$curlist = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);$nextlist = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month+1, 1, $year);$prevlist = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month-1, 1, $year);echo "<a id=\"prev\" href=\"new.php?prev=prev&prevlist=$prevlist\"><<</a> <a id=\"today\" href=\"new.php?today=today\"> today </a> <a id=\"next\" href=\"new.php?next=next&nextlist=$nextlist\">>></a>"; echo build_calendar($month,$year,$dateArray);


  15. liviu

    Permalink to comment#

    function renderMonth($displayM, $displayY){ $daysOfWeek = array ( 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wen', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' ); $dateUtil = new DateTime ( $displayY . "/" . $displayM . "/01" ); $year = $dateUtil->format ( "Y" ); $week = $dateUtil->format ( "W" ); $week_start = new DateTime (); $week_start->setISODate ( $year, $week ); $nextDay = clone $week_start; $i = 1; $weekdays = 7; // how many days do we display per row $currday = 1; // current week day $daysno = 35; // number of display dates $calendar = '<table class="event-calendar">'; $calendar .= "<thead>"; $calendar .= "<tr>"; foreach ( $daysOfWeek as $day ) { $calendar .= "<th>$day</th>"; } $calendar .= "</tr>"; $calendar .= "</thead>"; $calendar .= "<tbody>"; while ( $i < $daysno ) { if ($i == 1) { $calendar .= '<tr>'; $calendar .= '<td>' . $nextDay->format ( 'd M' ) . '</td>'; } $currday ++; if ($currday > $weekdays) { $calendar .= '</tr>'; $calendar .= '<tr>'; $currday = 1; } $nextDay->add ( new DateInterval ( 'P1D' ) ); $calendar .= '<td>' . $nextDay->format ( 'd M' ) . '</td>'; $i ++; if ($i == $daysno) { $calendar .= '</tr>'; } } $calendar .= "</tbody>"; $calendar .= "</table>"; return $calendar;}echo renderMonth("10", "2015");

    this will fill the empty spaces with previuos or forward days of month. kind of google calendar and stuff


  16. Bogdan

    Permalink to comment#

    Hello there! Great script. Only a small question if it is possible.
    How can i make $monthName an array. Something like:
    $monthName = array(‘January’,’February’,’March’,’April’,’May’,’June’,’July’,’August’,’September’,’October’,’November’,’December’);
    Thx in advance!


    • Patrick

      Permalink to comment#

      Hello. Im looking for same advice. I need to make months name in my language, and this will really help me.

    • Maniac

      Permalink to comment#

      $monate = array(

      // What is the name of the month in question? $monthName = $monate[$dateComponents['mon']];

      have fun ;-)

  17. Carlos

    Permalink to comment#

    Hey i have a problem and i can solved anyone now how to?
    Notice: Undefined variable: today_date in D:\Server\htdocs\Ejercicios\Pruebas\Prueba2.php on line 94


  18. Saroj

    Permalink to comment#

    Great Script Thanks. But I am trying to make custom Calendar instead of the Gregorian Calendar.

    I have to create calendar from array such as this.

    date73 = {2073,32,32,31,32,31,30,30,30,29,29,30,31}
    date74 = {2074,31,31,31,32,31,31,30,29,30,29,30,30}

    where the first date73[0] is the year and the rest of them are the days in the months. Please help.


  19. philippe

    Permalink to comment#

    Hi, this is great thanks !

    How could it be possible to have the month as a parameter, in order to change the calendar month ?
    Maybe sending it in the url ?

    Thanks a lot


  20. manh

    Permalink to comment#

    hi, can anybody add week column to calendar?


    • Matthias Pettersson

      Permalink to comment#

      BUMP! I’d love to know this too =]

  21. Anit

    Permalink to comment#

    What is $dateArray doing ?!


  22. john castaldi

    Permalink to comment#

    is there a way to make it so that the current date is always on the second week? so last week is the top, then the current week, then the next 2?


    • Geoff Graham

      Permalink to comment#

      You’d need to retrieve dates starting earlier than the current month. I haven’t played with this snippet, but perhaps setting $currentDay to a negative number for how many days you want to go back is the first step.

  23. YupYup

    Permalink to comment#

    Lovely :) Any way to show the full year but with 1 to 31 across the top and then the months down the side? Trying the build an attendance card where a dot will be placed in the day the student attends.

    Hope this makes sense :)


  24. Arnd

    Permalink to comment#

    Thanks. But what do I need to change if the week starts on Monday?


    • Smid98

      Permalink to comment#

      Just change the days of week array in to the correct order.
      And change

      $dayOfWeek = $dateComponents[‘wday’];


      $dayOfWeek = ($dateComponents[‘wday’] + 6) % 7;

  25. franki

    Permalink to comment#

    It seems to me an excellent code,
    I have managed to add a url for each day by adding the following code,….. when clicking on each day it shows a page.

    $calendar .= “<a href=’$date>$currentDay“;

    Do you have any idea how can I display the url inside an iframe on the same page?


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Build A Calendar Table | CSS-Tricks (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.