FULL SHOW: Who Do You Know That Is Musty? Tezlyn Figaro With Front Page News, Donkey Of The Day and More! - The Breakfast Club | iHeart (2024)

Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, Usa yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo Seo. Lemagne the God, he stood up
planning it this Thursday. Yes, it's Thursday. Good morning. How
are you feeling out there? Man, I'm blessed, black and

holly favored. How are you feeling, my brother? I'm doing
good man. You know, yesterday when we left the building,
our building was crazy because somebody was actually hanging out
the window. I guess the FEDS did a raid and
he didn't want to get arrested, so he was hanging
out the window. So I know a lot of our
staff was actually stuck in the building. They shut the
building down, so they were there for a couple of hours.
Last night. Oh I got a bout of it. That
was last night, well, yesterday, I should say yesterday. Oh yeah,

I saw that. Yesterday morning. I looked out the window
and I saw, you know, for those that don't know,
the Breakfast Club broadcast from New York City, So I
looked out the window and I just saw the screep
blocked off and I saw mad police out. That's never
a good sign when you're never no, never, never no apparently. Yeah,
they said he was a suspect, even what he was
a suspect for. But he barricaded himself in a building

and threatened to jump. Yeah he was. I don't think
he jumped. I know he was sitting on the window
sill and they put one of those things that if
you do jump or fall or you can land, you
know safely. And I saw that. Yeah, so I don't
know what happened. I didn't know if you had the story,
but I know our staff must be tied because they
were stuck in that building for a while yesterday. Oh no,
I didn't follow up. I turned it off. I turned
it off. You know. They asked me, was I still watching?

And I just walked away from the television. Now I
was entreated for a little bit. Yeah, that was. He
was there for like seven hours, eight hours on that
window cell. He had to be hungry. I ain't had
that kind of time, I mean either. And I want
to shout out to everybody in Memphis. Yesterday announced my
car show, the car show we're doing with the Young
Dolfer State with Young Dolf's family with paper route, and
I mean the way that those tickets are moving, I

just want to say, I appreciate you. We're gonna have
fun that day. We're gonna celebrate Young Dolph's life. And
if you don't know, we're doing a car show out
in Memphis made twenty eighth, that is Memorial Week, and
so no a work of school on that next day,
and we're gonna be bringing Young Dolph's whole fleet. We're
bringing the Young Dolph Museum that's been going all around
the country where you can see some of young dogs, clothes,
his jewelry, just some statements in his life, pictures of

his family that you've never seen, art work, all types
of things. And then of course we got the the Fairway.
It's gonna be kids games and amusem*nt rides and jumpies
and face painting and music. Shout the louis Ville He's
gonna be DJ and there's gonna be a lot going on.
So if you haven't got your tickets, get your tickets.
And I just want to shout to the city of Memphis.
Shot the big Sue and paper out. You guys really
pulled up and came out. So I can't wait to

see you guys. On May twenty eighth, were a lot
of funny A random question. You dream last night? Did
I dream? I did dream? What did you dream about?
I had an amazing dream last night. Um, you know what.
I had a dream that my baby Peyton was playing
me in basketball, and maybe that's because Logan played me
in basketball the other day. And then she dunked on me,

and that's what. So after Logan washed you, now you
just got to feel all your children busting your asses.
That's that's that's that's that's val Logan didn't wash me.
He beat me by one point. He didn't or two points.
He didn't wash me. The Washington something different. The game
was seven seven. He won nine seven, because you gotta
win by two. He didn't wash me, He busted your ass.
I had a dream that I was at an airport
greeting a bunch of people that I loved and like

like me, and one of my daughters was running up
on somebody that we loved and gave him a big hug.
And I just woke up feeling very happy this morning.
So I'm in a good mood because of that dream.
Dreams are important all right, I think so anywhere? Was
I the one that you were hugging? No, I was
actually hugging up my good sister Dolly Bishop, who I
loved dearly. That's why I was hugging. Was I after her? No?

You were nowhere in the dream, sir damn? All right, No,
all right, all right, Well let's get some front page news.
When we come back, Tesla and Figaro will be joining us.
She'll be breaking down what's going on in UH with
all all least airports and the cancelations. You remember that
back a couple of months ago. Also, we'll be discussing
is this the time to look for a house? We'll
talk about it when we come back. As the Breakfast
Local Morning Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Charlomagne, the guy.

We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get in some front
page news. Of course, we have teslaent Figureo. She's breaking
down everything news with us, and we got to start
off with Southwest. Now, what's going on? I know at
one time it was a bunch of cancelations, there was
a bunch of firings. What's the update. Absolutely, I wanted
to give everybody an update. Good morning, Breakfast Club family,

you remember earlier this year's Southwest Airlines canceled over sixteen
thousand flights, and so I wanted to give an update
on what Southwest Airlines put out this week. They said
they have unveiled plans to increase staffing and equipment to
avoid the hot mess that went on that caused the
mass cancelations and delays. The CEO, Bob Jordan said, we

understand the root calls that led to the holiday disruption
and we are validating our internal review with the third
party assessment. So now they expect to reduce the risks
to make sure that it never happens again. And as
a reminder of Southwest Airlines holiday chaos cast the company
as much as three hundred and fifty million dollars, so

it definitely hit them in the pocket. And now they
say that they are getting it together, and I'm excited
about that because I support the Southwest unlike Charlemagne. Uh
So we'll see what's going to happen with that and
hopefully they'll get it together. What you mean, like you
take Southwest Southwest, you get on the South first of all,

Southwest Airplane is a bus in the sky, and then
when you get on there. You got to play a
game of musical chats? Did they played? Still played musical
chats where they played the music because I am I don't.
I'm an eight plus preferred member, sir, so I give
my my seat first, and I'm totally okay. We're getting
what I pay for, including if that means my flight
is canceled twenty six times, so it's okay. Did they
have they got the oh, go ahead? And do they

have food on that flight? Uh? We have pretzels snacks.
So they got a member. I didn't know they had
a membership thing where yeah, real talk though, I use
Southwest credit cards for every purchase that I have, so
I have a companion rate as well. Credit cards. Got
credit cards? Yes, and I can't Hey, y'all joking, but

anybody can ride. My daughter can go on any flight
with me for five dollars and twenty cents. You can't
beat that, Yes you can, because that far out in
twenty cents, they can't see your flight at the drop
of a dime. That's why I don't want rock with
Softhwest our spirit, because they can just cancer your flights
on any given shown to put them in the category
with spirit. Now that's the same, same, same. I can't

even believe Softwes had the nerve to refer to something
else as a hot mess. Looking the mirror southwest there. Now,
let's talk about the house of market. How is the
house of market looking? Yeah, I wanted to give an
update on this. I know you'll appreciate this, DJ Envy.
The year over your price for existing homes has declined
last month for the first time in more than a decade,

as sales jumped from fourteen at sales jumped fourteen point
five percent and ended a twelve month fall. Now, data
leased by the National Association of Realtors on Tuesday showed
that the drop for the median existing home price dropped
by zero point two percent. The drop ends a streak
of one hundred and thirty one months of consecutive year

over year increases dating back to February twenty and twelve.
Now you may ask, where are these homes? And I'm
glad you asked that question. The medium prices of existing
of existing homes failed the most in the western part
of the United States, dropping five point six percent, but
the medium prices rose by five percent in the Midwest

and by two point seven percent in the South when
compared to two twenty two, So it appears it is
definitely a buyer's market. Yeah, definitely a buyers market. But
the only problem is yet the house prices are going down,
but the interest rates are shooting up. At one time,
people are getting interest rates for one point nine two percent,
two point two percent, now interest rates to five point five,
six percent, six point five in some areas. In the

problem is, that's a big difference of like seven hundred
dollars for a lot of people. So if you're looking
to buy a house that's you know, twenty one hundred
dollars a month, let's say, now with the interest rates
so high, you might be paying twenty eight hundred twenty
nine hundred dollars. So even though the houses are going down,
interest rate still gotta go down a lot too, And
they still feel like the only people who can buy
houses is the people who can afford to buy them.
Like it's not like you know, people that are you know,

I guess poor, you know, are people that aren't making
that much money, They still can't they still can't buy
a house because I highly doubt the banks are giving
out loans right now right they are giving out loans,
but it's very difficult to get those loans and then
requiring more money down. A couple of years ago, you
can you know, do an easy loan with putting three
and a half percent down and even ten percent down.
Now if you want those type of loans, there's so
much that you have to show. So you're absolutely right,

and like you said, it's it's it's not even the
fact that the houses are going down. The interest rates
are going up so much so what people can usually
afford a home, what the interest rates is gonna make
it very difficult, or they're gonna have to pick a
house that's a lot less cheaper than they want it now.
Highly doubt they doing government back mortgages right now either,
right are they are? They probably super difficult to get those.
They're doing that as well, but it's super difficult. Anything

coming from the bank right now, car loans, housed loans,
or anything that you're trying to do is very difficult.
They're really checking in because they want to make sure
that people can actually afford it. And then a couple
of year after market does for more that people are
not foreclosing or getting their car repossessed. So the only
people that can buy houses right now is people that
can afford to waste money. Basically, we have some extra
money to spend. Basically, have some extra money to spend

and then have a job in a credit score that
that looks secure. Can I use my Southwest card? No
self quest card is not gonna work. Y're gonna stop
talking about Southwest. Let me give a quick shout out
before we get out of here. Thank you for everybody
who joined me on Instagram. I do record at the
Straight Shot No Chase or podcast on the Black Effect
podcast Network, and last night we did a live for

this week's podcast and I talked about all of the
front page news that we've been covering. So if you
want to chime in with me to get more details
on the stories that I bring to you and give
some feedback and have questions, make sure you follow me
at Tesla and Figurea on Intagram and subscribe to the
Straight Shot No Chase a podcast wherever you get your
podcasts that ever from Pace News All right, that tests
to be back next hour. Thank you, Tesla, Thank you

Now get it off your chest. Eight hundred five eight
five one oh five one if you need to vent
Hit us up right now again eight hundred five eight
five one oh five one. Get it off your chest.
Let me know how your day's going on. How I
went yesterday, I should say, or what's going on whatever?
Maybe you're celebrating the birthday you feel blessed. Call us
up now. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

This is your time to get it off your chest.
Eight hundred five eighty five one oh five one. We
want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club. Hello,
who's this? Hi? Ye? I got a question? All right,
So I want to know howel and we Cole Johns
was bad and they both had the strain damn fall
like it's basically the strain. Yes, Coco, Jones and Tamore

definitely have to see. Um, what's it called the rain?
Exactly the same? When I say one song, I wound
up singing the other one together like mess all they got?
How for anything? She told ya how she felt. She

said it on the show that day. She said, Coco
song is a light rain and hers is a heavy storm.
It's the same song. I don't know if anybody listens
for him, but back that you will not barely know
the difference. Yeah, no, it's definitely the same sample. And
I can't hear what you mean. It sounds very similar that. Yeah,
it sounds like the name said the same damn song.
I mean, but the rain on me sample. There's really

only one way to sample that song. I mean, I'm
not a producer. I could be wrong, but there's only
one way to sample that record. Yep, Hello, who's this? Hey?
It's Chara from kidsas again and it's my second day
in the room getting through. Oh man, she played lottery today,
brother number Now, I don't do that. Don't do that,
oh y'all from Kids It's so shout out to everybody
in the non one three, Shout out to everybody, or

in the eight one six on the Missouri side, Shout
out to my cousin John John. I found out he's
staying in Louisiana, not South Carolina. So I just wanted
to get that off my chest. That's your question. Have
you ever been the odds? Come on, I'll chill on
that shots, man, come on, you gotta kill. I wanted

to say, if you winning the Gay Games this year.
I remember hearing Charlotte Mane earlier this year, he said
he was gonna make a conscientious effort to to not
play gay games with you. Right, the games uh gayn

and uh envy the John Morn, but the gay game.
I'm I'm yes, I'm being intentional. You know what I'm saying.
I don't want to appropriate other people's culture. You know,
But if he's doing, if he likes the appropriate game, coach,
that is not true. Do you if y'all would see
all the time he flirts to me. You see when

he got the cake the other day, he put his
hands in the cake and started winking at me. That
had nothing to do with you. That was therapeutic to me.
I can't wait till my birthday when I could do
an a dot smash kake. I've already got that plan.
Get it off her chest eight hundred five eight five
one oh five one. If you need to vent, hit
us up now. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the
Breakfast Club, the New Days, Your time to get it

off your chest. Whether you're man, tell me to get
up and get something, call up now. Eight hundred and
five eight five one oh five one. We want to
hear from you on the Breakfast Club. Hello, who's this? Hey? Man?
Sleep out of sleep? You out of age? Ten? What's up?
Get it off your chest? Bro? Hey morning, morning, how

y'all doing? Good morning? He's brother. How are you? I'm
doing all right? Man? Hey man, I'm a truck driver, man,
and I just want to say, Man, there's a little
space did we leave in front of us? Man? In
traffic or anything that's driving, doesn't not for y'all to
jump in front of us. Man. We can't stop these
trucks that drop over time. Man. And if y'all jump

in front of us, man, you're not gonna win a battle. Man,
I know in front of me you're not because I'm
gonna put the trunk in your left goodness, gracious, you
know what's so crazy? I read it. I read something
the other day that said, if you get into a
wreck or a mac truck, like it's like it's automatically
like seventy five grand or one hundred and seventy five
grand because of the insurance. Is that true? Yeah? Man,

the insurance hid right now man, and he didna just
trying to make it different. Man. We're trying to go
home and trying to make sure y'all go home. We're
trying to get y'all positive to y'all man hey x thing. No, man,
you're gonna be in the hurts man. Don't. You're gonna
trade the call in for hurts man. Don't do that.
That's what I'm saying. I feel like some people might
be doing that on purpose because they're trying to get

into accident with the truckle. You ain't gonna be able
to spend that money. That's right. The shout to on
the truck driver is out there. We appreciate you. Ben. Hello,
who's this therapist? What love? I love that you guys
had Elliott Connie on the other day. Guys, that's my

That's that's why I talk too often. That's my uh,
that's my that's my that's my goal to when I
was doing one on one therapy, I used to do
solution focus free therapy. That was my primary modality. Okay,
how did it help you? I remember when I spoke
with you, Charlat, I mean about what we should do
to the add to the Black Effect Network. Yes, about

the podcast, Yes, into consideration, because we definitely need a
podcast with mental health professionals on the panel. I definitely am,
but you know, we got a couple. We have a
checking in woman Shall Williams, even though she's not a
you know, mental health professional, she's an advocate. But then
we have deVie Brown with dropping gems as well. Yes,
we need look people like is like me, like in

the emergency room to be able to help people and
give them some insight on what they can do and
how they can help their loved ones because there's so
much information, especially folks like us who don't know absolutely. Okay,
get it off your chest eight hundred five eight five
one oh five one. If you need to vent, you
can hit us up now when we come back. We
got your room report. We got to talk about Young
jack Man. They've been dispecting Young Jock's name yet to

put some respect his name the district first ball. It's
a disrespect to the South period. I've been seeing people
with some really crazy hot takes about artists from the South,
and I don't understand it. Okay, but the Young Jock
disrespect gonna stop, all right, we'll talk about it when
we come back. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning. The
Breakfast Club owning everybody is dj n V Charlemagne, the

guy we are to breakfast Club. Let's get to the
room as let's talk Young Jock from or you gossip
or you chatting? Is the rumor report? I mean, I
guess we're on the breakfast clus. This is where the
tea spells right on the breakfast Club. Now, Young Jock
went viral the last couple of days. That's because he
did an interview with Megan James, and Meghan James asked

him a question about how he's getting his breath. So, Jock,
how have you been able to sustain like what twenty
year career off a one hit? Well, I got more
than one. I got hit records. Who tell me about him?
First of all, man, I'm from South Carolina eight h
three eight four three eight six four all day I
was outside outside during the Young Jock era. Okay, I

learned the motorcycle dance and never looked back. So I
don't understand the Young Jock. You know, slander are people
saying Young Jock has one record, And I'm not mad
at the young lady. Um Megan, she just simply didn't know.
So that's why we gotta be here to school her
to the history of Young Jock. Because Young Jock got
a lot of bops, and he's been featured on a

lot of bops. Where we where we can, we play
a few of those best places from very fast. Let
people know what's going down. They know this one, right,
of course, they know what's going down. Play play a
little bit. You know that one, and I'm sure after
once she was referring to Gret But then listen, man,
you're not gonna go in any club down south at
some point during the night and not here. Uh do

your bad. Hey, you gotta drop a ball to that
red Come on now, you know you're gonna here and
knock it out at some point in the script club
somewhere across the country, right, Boby one, if you throw
me one, because you know I'm about to go with it.
I know you can even throw dope point magic on
if you want to. And you could get into the
feature game with young Young Jock. Of course, you could

play by your drink. You could go so fly with
one twelve better stuffing does a habit with Chris Brown,
Zoom with Boosey. 'll play with Young Jock. Man come
has a lot of records out. I will see though
some of the records that you played. I'm sure, if
you're in the East Coast, you don't know some of
those records. But going spend time down south, correct, you
don't spend no time down south. And I keep telling y'all,

sixty percent of all black people are in the South.
Y'all keep all in the South to Chitland circuit like
that ain't the heart and soul of Black America. Knock
it off. I don't understand the disrespect for your country, cousins.
I don't get it at all. She did apologize, he said,
first of all, I want to apologize to young Job.
My attentions went out to disrespect you during my podcast interview.

I was honestly interested in your journey and how you've
been able to stay relevant throughout the years. So yeah,
I don't think she meant no disrespect. I just think that, uh,
you know, she's young, and you know she just didn't know.
And I mean, you know, in this this era that
we're in a media like that's just the way you know,
people ask questions. But you know, personally, if I was
going to interview an artist and I saw that question,

I would make sure that that person indeed only has
one record because young Jock ain't that. But not only that,
not only that young job makes money off of course,
he was on Love and Hip Hop. He does his
own morning show, so you can see his relevancy that
he is doing things. But maybe she just didn't know so,
but she just didn't know. That's and I was. I

was telling Jock yesterday. I said, man, you know, I
told Jock you need to come up here to the
Breakfast club just because I don't like to disrespect to
somebody's legacy in that way. And I'm not saying Megan
disrespected him. I'm just saying that, you know that that
that interview sparked other conversations that I had with other people,
and they were like, yeah, he only got one song.
I'm like, you ain't never been down South ever in

your life, clearly. Now, lastly, I want to talk about
this twenty four year old woman to Sydney the day.
If you don't know who that is, she was the
woman that was shot the same night that takeoff was
killed out in Houston. We played her, I think about
a month ago talking about the incident and how you know,
pretty much nobody ever mentioned her name. You got the audio.

Everything happened within a few seconds, and as soon as
I saw a weapon, I chopped at her up and
get out of there. I remember running away and I
felt I know where I stopped. I felt the sting
in my head. I didn't realized what actually happened to me.
And fortunately I feel like I had on a wig
and a wig cap. So I took the wig car

and noticed that I had a lot of blood. I
knew what happened to me, but I just didn't really
understand it to what magnitude. She was intubated in a
coma for days. When you woke up, how was that feeling?
Was the feeling one? Well, the first two days they
told me that they had to keep sedating me because
I kept trying to get like basically get up and leave. Yeah.

And the reason she is speaking, the reason people are
doing interviews with us, because she has over two hundred
thousand dollars in medical bills that of course she wasn't
prepared for. She didn't think about. She was just going out,
hanging out with her friends and she got shot in
the head, and nobody's you know, discussing her or helping
her out. So she does have a page with a
link to her goal fund me where you can actually
donate and help her out, because it is a sad situation.

Just imagine if that was your daughter, your sister, your mother, anybody,
a cousin and niece or whatever. Went out, you know,
to celebrate party like anybody else. She winds up getting shot.
Now you know, she can't afford the medical bill, she
can't afford to you know, the payments, and I'm sure
they'll you know how it goes, and start garnishing her
wages and start sending notes and it affects her credit.
So if you have a little something, a little spared

change that can absolutely help this young lady out, please
do so. I'm sending in that young lady healing energy
and I'm glad that you know we're highlighting her story.
But Jesus Christ, Envy, you couldn't do that at another time.
We couldn't do that in another break. We was just
on a high from all that, young jock, and you're
gonna bring it back to trauma just that fast. Huh,
Why would you do that? That's that's the way the
world is, bro. That is not how the way the

world is. You couldn't hit that chegment on the high
and did that another time? Why why how to talk
to you like this? And with the cameras on? All right, well,
can you pull up a young Jock song? Please? No, no, no,
no no, you can't go back to young Jock after
doing that. We could go down. You know, we just
going down. You're freaking kick this guy. Man, put up,

pull up young jock. When we come back, we got
front page news Teslain figure out will be joining us.
Let's get into a young Jock joints since we can
talk about job, what we got? Do we happen? Then?
Do we havena time of our first? Yeah, we're gonna
play Time of our First. Then we're gonna play young
Jock and then don't play going down if it's going
down the only one in there? Yes, oh, come on,

we could play I know you see it or something?
You know. It's the breakfast Club. Good morning, the breakfast Club.
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audible dot com. Slash the Breakfast Club on everybody is
dj n V Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
It's time for some front page news. Good morning, Tesla.
Figure out how you feeling. I am feeling wonderful. Good
morning to everybody. Now we gotta shout out to our
people in LA. They say a rare tornado hit Los

Angeles yesterday. They said it was the strongest one to
hit the county since nineteen eighty three. Wow, climate change
is real. Sorry, they said, if you're raised in LA
for weeks two Yeah, they said seventeen buildings were damaged.
They said eleven fire departments. Eleven fire department personnel has
been injured, and one regular I guess civilians was injured yesterday.

So they've got nobody died. So that's a great thing.
But a tornado in LA doesn't just sound crazy, not
in this era climate change. All right, Well, let's get
to some more news. Now. What am I seeing that
that black people are quiet quitters? What is that about? Yes,
quiet quitters? Speaking of California, One California congressman actually wants

to make the four day work week a federal law.
And I know you guys have been talking about, you know,
four day work week. We talked about it earlier this
week with Jason, and so I wanted to just bring
you some data to support that. So again, a California
congressman is actually trying to make it a four day
work week. And this week Enterprise published a story about
how new research shows that sixty three percent of black

employees don't believe that hard work will help them get
ahead in today's workplace, and so they do something called
quietly quit their job. Now, the quiet quitting concept does
not mean that someone actually leaves their job, but it
refers to a person that only does the bare minimum.
It also may indicate that the workers unhappy with their
current position and it's prepared to make a job change. Now,

the study pointed out that black employees have had to
work twice as hard to get half as far, which
leads to more stress, burnout, and ultimately leads to quiet quitting. Now,
the study found that employees who talk on their cell
phones a lot watch TV at work are signs of
quiet quitters. And on Monday, I remember Charlemagne pointed out

how everyone needed a break and Jason was talking about
the guest host for the week was talking about just
find a job that you love. So I thought it
was also interesting that this study found that twenty eight
percent of black workers would rather take a pay cut
of twenty thousand dollars if they could be guaranteed happiness
at work. So until you find yourself in a better situation,

I wanted to give you five quick tips. This came
from thirty seven ways to stay happy on your job,
but I want to give you five quickly. Number one,
spend your commute thinking of three good things that happen today.
And obviously listen to the breakfast Club because your warnings
enough to be the same to remember your value. Three,
make the most out of your weekend. And four, make
sure you communicate with your managers, such as talk to

them about possibly getting a flexible schedule. And five, last,
but not least, get a new job. You know, that's
all great advice and great tips, but I also want
to add that you know, even if you have a
job that you love, or you have businesses that you
own that you love, you still need to break people
like you know. They say you if you if you

love what you do, you'll never work a day in
your life. It's still work, and you still need to disconnect,
you know, for your own mental and emotional well being
every now and then. So you know, even that is
not all the way accurate when people say that. And
there's a lot of public policy of that's going around
the country that is really pushing this four day work week.
So it is not just a conversation, it is actually

real policy that could happen. So, as usual, I encourage
people to get involved on your local and state government.
That's where you see the most change in your life.
Absolutely hurt. Now, let's talk about this car crash. What
happened with this car crash? Yeah, again, speaking of local government,
I wanted to talk about this story where three people
are dead after the driver of a Lexus SUV ran

from a traffic stop and slammed into a Honda serving
as a rideshare lift at a high speed at a
high speed chase outside of Washington, DC last week. Now,
the accident resulted in three dead and two hurt. But
it turns out that the Lexus driver received forty three
speeding tickets and one for running a red light in
all in twelve I'm sorry in ten months, wrecking twelve

thousand dollars in fine, wrecking of twelve thousand dollars in fine.
So let me say that again to be clear, forty
three speeding tickets and one for running a red light
in ten months. Now you may say, well, how did
he get all of these speeding tickets and how did
he get away with this? It is because Washington d
C speed cameras. They're great at Jennersen's plates. The penalties

are levied on the lights on the actual car and
not the driver. Statistics show that death's in the US
roddesks in the US has hit a all time high
in two and twenty one, while other developed countries are
much lower. So this is just another example, guys, again
on the local level, the local and state level, they're
generating a lot of money from these cameras, but it

is not necessarily keeping people safe. All right, Well, thank you,
Teslin Figuo. And you know, it's a tough one because,
like you said, if my wife drives my car or
my daughter drive my car, the ticket goes to the car,
not me personally, which I do think is fair because
you never know who's driving the car. But if somebody's
getting that many tickets, they should definitely be suspending that
that license, that registration in that car or something. Absolutely.

I thought they used to do that. I thought they
used to take points off. Then you have a certain
amount of points you couldn't lose before they take your license. Yeah,
but the problem is, like she's saying, they're actually they're
ticketing the car, not the person, because it's like, if
you drive my car and you speed, it takes a
picture of that car. I don't know. I could say
I wasn't driving, you was driving, my daughter was driving,
test was driving. You just never know who's driving that vehicle.

If you're not pulling that license, maybe it should start
taking points off the vehicle, you know what I mean.
If you stuff your vehicle loses a certain amount of points.
I don't know, the owner of that vehicle loses their license.
Because in that way, whoever the owner of that vehicle
is either gonna be very cautious of who they let
drive the car. They're gonna put real pressure on the
person driving the car, like, don't you mess up in
my car? Now, I ain't got I can't lose no

more points. They're gonna take my life. Sure, but then
that would create an issue of somebody being penalized I
guess with something else. But it's it's an interesting point.
And again, you know, the conversation out there with these
uh camerash is really that it's just a money making
opportunity as well. So people have to just really get
involved at their local level and bring those types of suggestions.

You can do it every week in your local government
and and get it off your chest and come up
with better policy that keeps us safe in addition to
you know, being able I guess for the government to
continue to make more money. All right, Well, take you
Tesla figure Out for joining us this morning. That's trying
to make sure you subscribed to the Great Shot, No Chase,
the podcast from Tesla figure Out on the Black Effect
iHeartRadio Network. And she told y'all earlier she goes in

in death and unpacks a lot of these stories that
she tells us, you know, during the week on Front
Page News. So go check out the Great Shot, No
Chase the podcast with Tesla figure Out. All right, now,
let's open up the phone lines eight hundred five eighty five,
one oh five one. We were talking about quiet quitters, right, yeah,
quiet quitters. What they said of the US workforce is

a quitter is probably more. Yeah. So what we want
to know, would you take a pay cut to be happy?
And we was just test just read a statistics she said,
I forgot the percentage of people she said, but they
said a lot of people would take pay cuts at
work just to be happy. Yes, And that is the question.
Would you take a pay cut at work to be happy?
Some guests and maybe work someplace else where you don't

make as much money but you're happier. That is the question,
take a pay cut to be happy at work? Oh,
let's have that conversation. We come back, let's discuss all right.
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. It's
the Breakfast Club. Good morning. Your phone call in right now.
You call me at your opinion to the Breakfast Club
topic break it down. Eight hundred five A five one

oh five one. The Breakfast Club. It's topic time. Call
eight hundred five A five one oh five one to
join it to the discussion with the Breakfast Club. Morning.
Everybody is DJ Envy Charlemagne the guy. We are the
Breakfast Club. Now, if you're just joining us, we opened

up the phone lines eight hundred five A, five, one
oh five one. We're asking would you take a pay
cut to be happy? I guess they did a servant.
They said seventy percent of minorities, including African American and
Puerto Ricans and Dominicans and Latino people said that they
would take a pay cut to be happy. How much much?
How much of a pay cut? There was a number

of test two and twenty thousand, A twenty thousand dollars
pay cut to be happy at work? Interesting, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't early on in my career, in my life,
I wouldn't because that twenty thousand dollars meant everything to me.
That might have been the difference between paying a bill
and not so early on, I would have to just
you know, sick through it and just suffer through it.

Now I'm more financially free. I only do things that
make me, I say, warm and cuddly. That's my whole thing.
I need to feel warm and cuddle. And if I
don't feel warm and cuddly, I don't want to do it. Yeah,
it depends on how much you're making, like you said,
and uh, yeah, the answer for me is probably no,
because if I have to be here and be scretched
out and unhappy, you're gonna pay me for it, all right,

But I will tell y'all, a peace of mind is everything,
and I'm not staying somewhere I'm not happy because the
reality is, if you're scressed out, pissed off, not happy
going somewhere every day, you are reducing your days on
this planet. Scress kills, anxiety kills, depression kills, and it
kills you slowly. So at my big age of forty four,
I'm not staying in no situation that scresses me out.

But I also know that some of us have more
options than the rest. Correct, But the answer for me
is no. All right, Well let's go to the phone lines. Hello,
who's this? Hey? What's your names? Take a pay cut
for happiness? I sure did. I was with my company
for twenty three years and I stepped down from being

the supervisor to ten dollars pay cut, and it brought
more work life balance for me, empty in my home,
no peace that work. It was more socially being able
to have that work life balance because we couldn't forget
that when we get into these companies working fuller everybody

else but work, life balance for me and peace in
my home and with my children. That bo peace of
mind is everything. I respect the Queen. Thank you Mama exactly. Hello,
who's this from Detroit? What's up? What I'm doing? What
I was talking about? The quiet and quitters? So in

my experience, people quit their job basically quiet quit anyway
because the lack of opportunities and you get stuck. You
can talk in a position where there's no growth, understand that,
how do you get out? How do you get out
of that? So it's hard. So it's like you say,
you can look for another job because like me myself,

I expressed myself to the manager and Bay He's basically says,
just know where to go then, so you just gotta
keep pushing on something else. I went back to food. Personally,
I'm moving on to the next job. See you see
that's dope thought. And what I like to tell people
is that you got one hundred and sixty eight hours
in a week. So you might have one job that
takes care of your reality, meaning you're working this job

because you know that you're using that money to pay bills,
pay your car note, etc. But then man, you can
use the rest of those hours in a week to
pursue your dream or a hobby or something that actually
genuinely makes you happy. It is, but it is so hard,
especially we've got a kids, wife, you know things. Once
you get home, you're trying to spend time with them,
and that's really no I get it, Thank you, brother,

And that's what I was saying. You know, at you know,
at times in your life you don't have a choice,
you know, because you got responsibilities and you got to
make sure you can handle those responsibilities. But when you
get a little financial freedom, you're able to make those decisions.
And I'll take happiness over over any dollar. But let's say,
answer the phone. We'll take your phone calls when we
come back eight hundred five eighty five one oh five.
When the question is would you take a pay cut

for happiness? Would you leave your job and take a
pay cut just to be happy, just to be saying,
just to be you know, free, I could say, all right,
let's take your calls when we come back. As the
breakfast Club of the Money, it's topic time called eight
hundred five eight five one five. Want to join it
to the discussion with the breakfast club. Talk about it morning.

Everybody is dj n V Charlomagne the guy. We are
the breakfast club. Now, if you're just joining us, we're
asking would you take a pay cut to be happy? Now?
This conversation comes from a front page story that Tesla
Figero was talking about about minorities leaving me a place
of business because they just want to be happy. Yeah.
I mean, listen, happiness is everything. Peace of mind is everything.

But I also know that I personally have more options
than than than a lot of other people. So I
can't speak to everybody's financial situation. But for me, I
probably would want the money. If I have to be
in this situation that makes me unhappy, if I have
to be in this situation that scresses me out, I
would like to be compensated for it. But I just

want you all to remember, man, there's nothing like peace
of mind. Correct I said earlier? Scress kills. My doctor
told me that I have to lessen my screts. My
doctor told me that if I can, I should take
one vacation a month. That's that's how much you know.
Scress can having an impact on your health. So if
you want to have good health, physically and mentally. You know,

you got to reduce your scress load. So if that
job is scressing you out, gotta cut it. That's right.
Let's go to the phone lines. Hello, who's this, hey, Steve?
Come on what you're calling from? I'm calling from Florida, man,
Pale Coach, Florida. Okay, we'll asking would you take a
pay cut for happiness problem? Yes? I would. I'm not
only willing to do it, man, I've been praying for

to have my own for a minute. I'm trying to
go through a job pe Coach where I live and
stop having to travel all the way the Green cold
Man for a position. I mean, the job here paid good,
but the word life down it for the one in
Palm Coat is only like ten minutes away from my house.
Is this works better for me and my family? Gosh? Man,

well and listen. I hope that your present answered my brother.
I am. I am. I'm not gonna lie to you
and tell you I'm praying with you. I hate when
people do that, but I am sending you positive energy
and I hope that you get that. You get that
you get that new gig man. Absolutely, yeah, I appreciate
that man and on another know that not this and
co into this ball. Man. I just want to pick
up y'all two kings. Man, y'all been doing a good y'all. Woman,

that thing down, man, I appreciate the turvance man for real, man, brother,
that means everything. Thank you. Hello, who's this Nicole? Ain't Nicole?
Good morning, Good morning, calling from Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. All right,
we're asking, would you take a pay cut for happiness? No? Um,
and here reponse. I would love to, but my husband

and I have five children, so we can't afford to
take a pay cut. Um. My husband's a truck driver,
so he is copied with what he does. However, somebody
has to be home with the children, so I switched.
I used to switch jobs a lot before I started
to work from home. But when I was in the workforce,

when I was working look physically in the building, I
had a set boundaries and I worked by a set
of rule. So if I work nine to five, those
were my only hours. So don't call me, don't email me.
If you do, I'll email you or I'll call you
back at nine al tomorrow. Don't call me on the weekend.
Don't text me. On the weekend. Don't email me on
the weekend. I'll talk to you Monday morning. I don't

volunteer for anything extra outside of my job description. I
wouldn't do I wouldn't do favors for people. I know.
It sounds me however, all is healthy boundaries. I had
healthy boundaries. I've worked with some folks who believed if

they do more, they would get more, and I learned
that that just simply wasn't the truth. When you go
out for promotions, I oftentimes I would get passed up
for promotions, and I took that personally and I felt like, Oh,
I'm doing all this extra work before what and I'm
not getting the promotion or I'm not getting the new
job where I'm not getting at any race. So I said,

this is what you pay me to do. This is
what I'm coming into you, and I was much more happier.
I left workout work, and when I went home, I
didn't talk about it. I respect it, man, I respected
so much. It sounds to me like you just created
healthy boundaries and you found a way to have you know,
inner peace. Like they always say, don't let the behavior
of others destroy your inner peace and it sounds it

seems like you found a way to not let the
behavior of us to destroy your inner peace. Absolutely, and
that was very important. And I encourage everybody in the
workforce to do the same exact thing, because you're not
getting anywhere by stressing yourself out and taking on other
people's energy and work for that matter. All right, well,

thank you, mama, I respect it. What's the moral of
the story? I mean, the moral of the story for me, man,
is like you know, piece is not the highest goal
in life. You know, it is actually the most fundamental requirement.
So you have to find ways to have peace even
in these situations. Because everybody's financial situation is different. Some
people can't afford, you know, to take the pay cut
and they have to go into a situation that they

don't they don't like every day. But you have to
do what that young lady just said, and you know,
find ways to find peace in that situation. Set up
healthy boundaries, man, you know, but always remember, you know,
screts kills. Please remember that, absolute, please please please remember that,
so find ways to find peace. All right. Now, when
we come back, we got your room report Takashi six nine.

There's some updates and that uh when they jumped him
in a Florida gym. We'll give you the updates that
don't move. It's to Breakfast Club to the moment. That's
a throwback wanting everybody is DJ n V Charlomagne the guy.
We are the Breakfast Club. I just want to salute
again into Memphis. You know, I announced my car show
and I'm I'm partnering with Paper Out, which of course
is Young Dolph's record label, and we're doing a car
show in you know, celebration of his life. So we're

bringing out his whole fleet of cars, which I think
it's like twenty cars, the the Camo, cause Key Glide.
I'm bringing calls from some of his celebrity friends. I
know fifty cent gave me a bunch of cars to
take down there. So what's going down May twenty eighth
in Memphis, Tennessee. It's Memorial weekends, so there's no work
of school that Monday, and I know it's ends Memphis
in May. I also I know the kids out there

out of school. I think it's the last week of
school the week prior. So if you haven't got your tickets,
get your tickets. It's just gonna be a day of
family fun. So kids fiving under a free We're gonna
have the Young Dolph Museum there where you can actually
see some of Dolph's artifacts, his clothes, his jewelry, some
of his paintings, its artwork. And this is gonna be
a great day. It's gonna be a lot of food,
a lot of family the rides, this carnival games, and

a host of cars. Shout out the Louisville. He will
be DJ and it's gonna be a great weekend. So
if you haven't got your tickets, do your tickets. And
we're gonna make a whole weekend out of it. So
we're gonna do like R and B themes parties and
so we just gotta have a lot of fun that weekend.
To shout the Memphis appreciate listen Memphis man. I want
to salute Atlanta too. You know we got the Black
Effect Podcast Festival. I'm coppening happening April to whoa Happening

April twenty second in a land at Pullman Yards, And
I just want to thank everybody that's been uh purchasing
tickets for that does far If y'all keep purchasing tickets
the way that you are, we will definitely sell out
before April twenty seconds. So I just want to tell
y'all to keep going to get tickets. At event Bright,
you can see some of your favorite podcasts live, like
The eighty five South Show and Horrible Decisions and Reasonably Shady,

just to name a few. We got Food, we Got Music.
It's hosted by myself and Jess hilarious. So I hope
to see you there, man, And for more info go
to black Effect dot com. Yeah, I'm excited about that.
They showed me where it was gonna be and where
it's gonna happen. I think it's gonna be a dope
event that weekend. So and like you said, Charlotmagne said,
make it a weekend out of it. There's so much
to do in Atlanta besides all these events. There's so

many restaurants that's black owned, so many businesses black owned.
And if you go to the old what's the what's
the candy spot? Ol Lady Game, Oh Atlanta Gang been
there before, samon bites. I haven't been there, but I
um uber eats there and it's great. I'm gonna do it. Today. Yeah,
I was in Uh. I was in the Lanta a
few weeks ago. I went to a TA spot. I
went to the Trap City Cafe. Yeah, me and my

man h clay Evans. Salute to Clay Evans and a
little duval and um who else was there? Jay s
Ki pulled up. Ye, I ain't see tiptoe, but yeah,
trap Trap City Cafe Cafe was a cool spot too.
I saw Macbony. I saw Macboni when I was out there.
I was a dad towards the end of February. It's
like a few weeks ago. Actually, Okay, all right, well
we got um rumor report. When we come back, we

gotta give you some updates on Ta Kashi six nine. Uh.
You know he got jumped in the gym yesterday, so
we'll give you all the details. Don't move as to
breakfast club, God Morning wanting. Everybody is DJ Envy Charlomagne
the guy. We are to breakfast club. Let's get to
the rumors. Let's talk to Kashi six nine from or
you got sip chatting. This is the rumor report. I mean,

I guess we're on the breakfast club. This is where
the tea spells, right, right on the Breakfast Club. Now,
yesterday we reported that Takashi six nine was at a
gym in Florida and three men beat him up, beat
him up pretty bad, to the fact that he was
rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. But they said
could have got a lot worse. They said that the
staff seeing what was happening, and rushed him into a

safety area and then locked it down so he couldn't
get beat up even more. Also, they said it was
pretty bad, But they said, the sad thing about it
is he's I guess a frequent He frequently that Jim.
He works out of the gym all the time. And
he said there hasn't been any issues. He said he's
normally there for about twenty thirty minutes. And he said
he kind of sticks to the stadmaster and then goes

to the sauna, and he said he kind of does
that every day. And you know, and I guess these
guys probably seen him and you know, got to drop
on him. Hey man, it could have been a lot
worse for the simple fact, for all the things that
six nine has done and six nine has said, them
guys could have came in there and just shot him.
So you know that's that's how it could have been
a lot worse. Yeah, that is absolutely positively true. And

like I said yesterday too, man, you know, you know
I said, don't laugh at this situation. Learn from this situation.
Of course, people are going to want to laugh, and
they're going to laugh, but you still should learn because
there's a lot of y'all that this is absolutely going
to happen to, or could happen to, because y'all just
as reckless as this young man has been online, okay,

and on your podcast and on your YouTube channels and
everything else. So you know, you need to be very
cognizant of this situation and learn from this situation because
this could be you. And not only that, I would
tell everybody out there, no matter what you do in
this world, change your routine, right. You know, my dad
is a retired police officer, and that's one thing that
he says to me, my kids and family members. Change

your routine. If you take you know, a certain way
home every day, go another way home. If you go
to the gym every morning at seven o'clock, maybe you know,
try to go at night after work. And the reason
is is people will follow and see what you're doing,
and they can absolutely positively catch you. So change a routine.
This is not just about Takashi six nine. You and
personally you go every morning and go get your coffee

at seven o'clock, maybe you know, go at lunch and
get your coffee and maybe go a half an hour
early because people are always watching. You never know who's watching.
Change your routine. I agree with that. And if your
routine is inciting violence, and your routine is threatening people,
and your routine is telling people that SMD and your
routine is telling people come see you, you need to
change that routine too. Okay, that routine gets sold as well.

Now we got to talk about a friend of mine, Loki,
who we actually share the same birthday, September third to Loki.
That's my guy. To salute the Loki. Nadeska, Loki and
Eddie Francis were discussing fifty cent and Little Wayne if
they were to go head to head at a versus battle.
I'm gonna say something and I'm gonna stand on it.
Wayne don't have a get rich and Dot trying. No, no, no,

he don't. If we're talking about a versus battle, right,
we're not talking about what we like. We're not talking
about what we grew up on. We're talking about fifty cent.
This man is a main stream monster. Wayne is a
cultural mainstream monster. But when we talk about these hits,
we talk about these bodies of work, we talk about

like these smashes. I ain't saying fifty gonna wash Wayne,
but if Wayne is not sequenced right and it's not
positioned correctly, that could be a very long night for
Dwayne Carter. I don't understand all these slights to the South.
I really don't what is low Key talking about. Yes,

little Wayne don't have a get Rich, but little Wayne
has massive, massive amounts of hits. I love fifty cent,
but Loki one album cannot win you a versus what
is he talking about? Now? I will say this. You
know you will say now, I'm gonna tell you this.
I will say this. He is right fifty cent and
has get Rich to that Trying is a classic album.

But you can't sit there and act like Wayne don't
have classic bodies of work and classic records. It wouldn't
be a wash at all. And we can go through
just some of them, you know, just the top of
the head. Bro listen. If he said, hey, fifty cent
against Wayne and a verses, meaning that you're taking in
all their music, that's something that we would probably want
to see, and I'm fine with that. But fifty is

gonna need more than get Richard Die trying to go
against one of the top five, potentially top three greatest
rappers of all time. Little Wayne could literally start in
nineteen ninety eight and ninety nine and come all the
way up to the Young Money era. We're talking twenty
five plus years. You will catch hell going against Little
Wayne in the verses twenty songs against twenty songs. Stop it, man,

you gotta put some respect on Wayne's name. But come on,
I will say, fifty cent in the Wayne battle is
not a slouch battle. It would be a great battle,
but it's not going to just be a walking upon
for fifth and fifths, my guy, Especially if if all
you're bringing it get Richard Die trying. If Glowki was
discussing fifty cents had about your work, his catalog, the
things he's written for Gunit and Game everything else, that's

a whole different story. But just saying Wayne, don't have
a get Richard Die trying, that's the racing was gonna lose. Yeah,
you you knew Yorkers as some wild humans. Man, we
all like the way the way y'all love your own.
I respected. But but let's not be deluse, you know, man,
let's not get crazy. Now, fifty cent will win that battle.
But now we got aft. I love fifty twenty songs,

red twenty songs against Wayne twenty and twenty. It's twenty
and twenty. I do that. That'll be a great It'll
be a great girl. Yeah, I think so. Come on, man, Wayne,
Wayne Wayne Wayne different. Bro Wayne is different, Wayne different.
All right, Now, a Lotto, you know, she was arrested
for bringing a load of gun to l a x uh.
And you know, people were talking about it because they
said after she got arrested, she copped on the seventy

five thousand dollar private jet to make sure she did
her party or her show. Well, you know she talked yesterday.
They said that, uh, to get off of that case,
that she had to take some type of classes, some
type of course to make sure that make sure that
she was okay, and then she you know, those charges
would be dropped. But Lotto is actually talking about that
and saying that there was none of that, and she

talks about her arresting this audio here. I'm not gangster, bitch,
never claimed to be a gangster. Maybe I get money.
I got you who sucked these toes? Every this ass
from the bag? I could my whole housewife. I'm not
no gangster. Who want to brag on going? I got
million dollars deals sisters, sisters superior like plural, like yeah,

multiple million dollars deals on the table. Who trying to
might trying pushing over gangster image? A matter of fact,
we kept that under wraps. Oh my mom, did happen
over a year ago? I mentioned it in a song
because I'm freestyle. I freestyle that verse and then slipped
out my mouth. They're like, oh that's hard, just keep
it trumble include the box alto I reached the whole housewife.

God damn it, boy, you know you can't say that right?
Like how many times do you have to actually take
the class to know what you can't saying? What you
can't say? What did I say? I didn't repeat it?
What do I say? Expect? She says she get her
toes sucked, and then the next one, boom boom from
the back and she's a whole housewife. Dam it's trump

from the clue's bombs for a lot of my goodness, Hey,
falling falling men out there sitting down, it's the second up.
That's the second ladies, a gentleman. That's let you know,
for all the men out there holding it down. You
know what I'm saying, Making beautiful women like a lot
of a housewife. You know what I mean. We need

to get our props. Okay, I'm done right. We're giving
a donkey to grocery eaters. The grocery eaters need to
get their props. Were out of dumps. Man, when you
give me a donkey, said the grocery eat that's fine,
you all right? Stop. We could do the show the
real grocery eaters of Atlanta. Yes you could say that, right,

Yes you could say, okay, the real grocery eaters of Atlanta.
Falling men out there holding it down, making these women
housewives by grocery eating from the back. What's wrong with you?
Give me a donkey too, man? Oh man, four after
the hour, we need donkey the day to go to
John Garza and Arley Nemo of Virginia. Okay, they escaped

from a prison because they was tired of getting their
groceries eating from the bo Let's roll with you. They
were getting their toll sucked and their groceries ate from
the back. I said a little kid in the car
right now, Mom, the groceries eat from the back of
mead and a mom trying to explain it right now
because of what you said. I'm sorry, moms. No, you know, no,

you know when the mom gonna catch hell when they
go to the store and they tell the child get
the groceries up the back for me. That's gonna be
so confused. Don't get the day's up. Next is the
breakfast Club. Go body the Breakfast Club. Your morning's will
never be the same. With motivation, business, wellness, and the
latest bestsellers. Audible is the home of storytelling. Check out

all the audiobooks, podcasts, originals you could ever want, all
in one place. Sign up for thirty day free at
audible dot com. Slash Breakfast Club. It's time for Donkey
of the Day. I'm a Democrat, so being Dunky of
the day a little bit of a mix up. So
like a dog the other day breakfast club bitches. Now

I've been called a lot of my twenty three years.
That Donkey of the Day is a new wife. Yes,
Donkey to Day for Thursday in March twenty third goes
to thirty seven year old John Garza and forty three
year old Arley Nemo of Virginia. Suit everybody in Virginia Now.
These two convicts have been in custody in Newport News
for months, facing a bunch of charges, including but not

limited to, contempt of court, probation violations, failure to appear,
credit card fraud, forgery, possession of burglary tools, grand larceny.
I mean, they just both career criminals. I should I
say they made they made being criminal their career, Okay,
because life is about choices, and they chose a life
of crime. It is what it is, and I must

admit they seem to be pretty good at it. Okay.
Never mind the fact that they're in jail. Okay, everyone
gets caught at some point in time. That's just the
way it is. But what kind of run do you
have when you're out? All right? Garza in Nemo in
regards the crime, especially like petty crime, it seems like
they're up there with Jordan and pipping baby. I mean,

I'm talking about Lebron, James and d Wade like they
are the splash Brothers of criminology and their latest crime,
their latest crime takes the cake or should I say pancake?
What are you talking about, Uncle Charlotte. I know they've
never been specific about what kind of cake people be taken,
but I'm pretty sure it's a cake from a bakery,
not a pancake. Never mind all that. Okay, you want

to know what I'm talking about, Let's go to w
TKR CBS News three for the report police and what
they seem like a movie plot. Deny Purty Shriff's office
says too and made sunnel this hole in a cell
to escape from the Newport News jail Annex Monday evening.
The Sheriff's officers Arlie Nemo and John Garza were able
to exploit a construction design weakness in the building and

used a toothbrush and metal object to make the whole.
Once outside, they scaled a security wall and got out.
The jail annex is a minimum security facility, and the
two were discovered to be missing during a routine headcount,
but it was a tip from the public that led
police to the eye Hoop on Mercury Boulevard and Hampton
Or The two were apparently eating at about three am
this morning. Hamden Police say the two were taken into

custody without incident. Garza had been in custody since December
on several charges, including probation violations. Nemo had been in
custody since last October on charges including credit card fraud.
Ladies and gentlemen. These men are career criminals. This is
a crime, okay, But I don't know if that news

report said it in that because I wasn't paying all
the way that much attention. But these guys escaped Yale
with a toothbrush. A toothbrush, and guess where they went
after they got out of prison envy I heard, Oh
they said it, they did. Oh, I blinked out. Something's

wrong with my brain lately. But yes, I want to
say that even though these men a career criminals and
this is a crime, you have to admit escaping jail
with a toothbrush just to go get some eye hop
legendary drop on a clues bomb for those legends. I mean,
come on that you went from them, You went from
the International House of Prison to the International House of Pancakes. Okay,

you gotta let a legend be a legend, baby. I
can both acknowledge that this is Donkey of the day
worthy and legendary at the same time. These men exploited
a construction design weakness with primitive made tools made from
a toothbrush and a metal object. Put a hole in
the wall, scaled, went through the wall, then scaled over
another security wall just to get some of those world

famous butter milk pancakes. Man drop on a clues bomb
for them, man, I hope they had a full stack. Okay,
eleven twenty nine before attack, six hundred and ninety calories.
A right, I'm gonna be honest with you. They deserve
it all big stake omelet for those two all right,
sixteen thirty nine before at tax one thousand and forty calories.
Give it to them, all right, center stack pancakes twelve
fifty nine before at tax eight hundred and seventy calories.

Give it to them. Now. Do I think it's extremely
stupid that they escape jail just to go to eyehop. Yes,
But if you're already facing a bunch of charges and
you're going to prison for the next decade or the
next couple of decades, and you really don't have no
place to go. If you actually escape, you just want
to get up, get out and get some fresh air.
You know what I mean? Yolo? Okay, yolo, You only

live once, all right? In this case, I hop International
House of Pancakes. Please give John Garza an Arlie Nemo
of Newport News, Virginia the sweet sounds of the Hamletones.
Oh now you are the doge. The day we do gee, Oh,

the day I respect it. Let's let's play a game.
You want to play a game I do. Okay, well,
let's play a game of guess what? Alright, all right,
we got thirty seven year old John Garza and forty

three old Arlie Arlie Nemo of Newport News, Virginia. They
both escaped prison just to go get some I Hop
d J n V. Guess what I'm gonna say, White,
what makes you think they whit? Honestly? I think black.
We hope you're being honest. I think black people would

have went to waffle House. You're crazy, and you're crazy,
and you're disrespectful. In the South, don't act but the eyehop.
Don't act like I hop ain't ain't I hoop. Bro,
if you got a choice, you go to waffle house.
You ain't gonna go Actually, actually, why had a choice.
I'm going to eye hop me too. But the South
we go to waffle house. When you're in the South,
we to waffle house. I'm South Carolina born and raised.

I'm going to eye hop, Okay. I can think of
plenty of knights in Columbia, South Carolina when I went
to eye hoop over everything else. And I know and
I know that I have Mercury Boulevard. They usually open
twenty four seven year. I went to School of Hampton, Virginia,
so I know that I have. But when I'm in
the South, I got eye hoop in New York, I'd
rather go to waffle house and get my chicken too waffles.
I know black people they're going to Oh they white

of black, they're Caucasians. I knew it. Okay. I don't
think eyehopping waffle house is a black or white thing,
because I'm I'm telling you plenty of knights in Columbia,
South Carolina. I took my ass to eyehop on as
symboly street slu*tor. Everybody that's working on working an eyehop
on in Columbia, South Carolina on as Symboly Street, Take

thirty one as Symboly Street. Baby my goodness, I actually
got putting handcuffs in there one night. But well, and
I hop on a Symboly street back in the day.
I do want to know what's wrong with the Virginia jails,
the fact that you can get your way out with
a toothbrush. That it was They said it was a
construction design weakness, and they say they don't want to

speak too much on it because of security security concerns.
B if you can use you got out with a toothbrush,
I mean, I guess they don't want to give too
much away because then it'll give other prisoners ideas. But
you know, you know, if you if you can escape
with a primitive made tool, you know, uh, made from
a toothbrush in the metal object man, Jesus Man, I'm
gonna be honest with you. When you do stuff like that,

you kind of deserve to be free. I guess should
be almost like a game. If you can get out,
you deserve to be out. Jesus Christ. All right, all right,
well thank you for that donkey today. Yes, indeed, now
when we come back, Let's talk stinky all right, now,
A TikToker previously accused little Meat you know, a little
Meach is in the BN movie or the BN me series.

They said he smells like a pound of onions musty.
On Friday night, he had went to six places and
he smelled like a pound of aims. I just want
to know what possessed him to put on that long
sleeved shirt and to be so musty like that. He
was musty. I mean, the hor has been talking about

he'd been musted for the past week. You hit me, Jesus, people,
why why why do we even go around people? Yo? Like?
Why why are humans allowed to even be around each
other like that? Like you meet somebody and that's all
you can think to do is go to your social
media and talk about that person in that way. But
let's let's take it out of a little nat shut
and then if Beach did that to her, you know

what I'm saying, Because if Beach did that to her
for something, everybody be mad at Meach. But it's okay
for her to do that to him. He might have
had a bad day, but let's talk about it. Eight
hundred five eighty five one oh five one. Tell us
about somebody that is always musty when they're around, always
that always is different. Okay, GCC, that woman was talking
about a one off take it out of each man.

All right, let's try so let's talk about somebody that
is musty a majority at the time. Y'all don't want
to play this game with me, That's what this game.
Y'all don't want to play the game as we do.
Let's do what we're gonna talk about. It will come back.
Not want to play this game with me? This morning
eight hundred five and five one oh five one. I'm

going to pray right now the breakfast club, it's topic
time called eight hundred five eight five one oh five.
Want to join it to the discussion with the breakfast club,
talk about it wanting everybody is stage and Vine Charlomagne

the guy we are the breakfast club. Now if he's
just joining us, we're talking about stinky ye stinky musty,
horrible smelling. Now this conversation comes from a TikToker. Well,
I guess ran into little meat. You said, little meat
smells like a bag of onions. Let's hear dull meat
was very musty on Friday night. Yeah, went to six
places and he smelled like a pound of I just

want to know what possess him to put on that
long sleeved shirt and to be so mustard like that.
He was musty. I mean, the hole has been talking
about he even mustan for the fast week you hit me.
So we're asking eight hundred five eight five one oh
five one, tell us about somebody that often smells. That's
that's the question that we're asking. That people got bad days.
Little me could have had a bad day. I've been

there before. You forget to put the odor in on,
or you just leave the gym, or you put on
a shirt that you thought was Washington wasn't washing. You
smell yourself. It happens, Yeah, I mean, yeah, it does happen.
You know, college campuses are rough. You know a lot
of times when I go speak to college campuses, those
kids under arms sometimes d coming at you. I don't
know what that's about. Um. Industry functions. Industry functions, especially

in New York in the summertime. Up. No, I'm gonna
tell you why. Because a lot of people work all day,
like they'd be at the office or they being that
you and then they go to like those six pm
seven pm John's fresh from work, coming coming at you,
and I'm gonna choose violence. I'm gonna choose violence right now.
Let's do Okay, some people every now and then in

that iHeart building be musty before breakfast. You won't say name?
Who want to fight me? You wanta say a name?
I want to fight? You won't saying hey, you won't
say an name? All right, sure won't. I want everything.
I want everybody to snip under the arms right now.
And see if Charlemagne talking about them? Okay, all right,
Well you know what when I I went to the
White House, we gotta I got invited, Me and my

wife got invited to the White House. No, Joe Biden
was musty. Shut up man, and that's crazy. And he
said Joe Biden was us or you a wild boy?
Everybody said the Bidens was musty Joe and Jill. I
did not say that you went to the WI. I'm
shocked you told this story. You told me this before,
but I didn't know you ever say publicly said Joe

and Jill was musty boy. I did not say that.
I did say when I went to the White House.
We had to take a OVID testing. It was a
long line and people were leaving worse to go to
the White House. They didn't go home and take a
shower and ask. Me and my wife were on that
line waiting to take our COVID tests. We smelled a
couple of people. I was a little funking, a little musty.
That's not how you told it, COVID that President Joe

Biden and the first Lady, Doctor Joe Biden was musty.
I did not say that. You told I did not
see that. That's not true. You're a liar. You're a liar.
Turn up my Joe Kore drop You're a liar. Let's
go to the full line. That's crazy. Hello, who's this Taylor?
Hey shy look, good morning, Good morning eighties, peace peace,

How are you? I'm fine? How are you guys? This
morning we in Holly Favor. We talked about musty friends.
You got any musty friends, musty people? You know it's
always musty. Well, no, I don't have any things that's musty.
But I did go to school with a girl there.
Hard breath used to smell bad. I'm telling you, you
smell like sh*ttle juice and ear juice something damn, but

it was horrible. You ever talked to her about it? Well,
they're like, you know, we were in the sixth grade,
so I mean we really didn't talk to her about it.
I mean I would just pray that one day, you know,
it would go away. But I mean, no, we really
don't talk to her about it. You don't be knowing
people's situation. They might can't afford two page some mouth water.

She might need a root canal. I can't afford that.
You just never know people's situation. Now, Mama, you said
air bass the movie. Oh yeah, I said airbak dings.
I did it. What is airback juice? You want something?
I bring you something to work? Nope, ear back juice.
And when you take your ear ring dools and you
are really don't smell right and the earing baking smelling
just like you, that's my favorite thing to do them up. Mom.

I do that to my wife and my daughter just
as a joke when I see them taking the arrings
out and be like, let me smell the back. Oh
my god. But Charlie Mane, I wanted to chime me
in on what you said about the young girl dropping
on her phone and saying, my thing is now that
she said it and put that out there, she does
not ever everybody around. That's right, you ain't lying. I

could smell the black and miles coming out that phone
when she was talking. Eight five eight five, one oh
five one. We're talking about having musty friends or musty
people around you. Do you know somebody that's musty all
the time? Let's talk about it. It's to breakfast club, God,
morning morning. Everybody is tj Envy, Charlomagne, the guy. We
are the breakfast club. Now, if you're just joining us,

we're talking about mustiness, thinkiness. Do you know somebody that's
always musty when they're around? Now? Just comes from this
TikTok are talking about little Meach. I hate the fact
that we're throwing a little Meach's name in there like
that because he could have a bad day. You could
have a bad day. I don't have bad days. I
think it's disrespectful. And I'm gonna tell you something, man,
the big Meach don't ever come around y'all ever again.

I ain't mad at him. Because you see this man
out somewhere and the first thing you do is get
online and talk about you know what this man may
or may not have spelled smelled like that's so whack.
All right, well let's go to the phone lines. Hello,
who's this smart? From seven one seven? Good morning, gentlemen, Hey,
good morning. We're talking about being around somebody that's always musty,

you know somebody brother. Yes, I have a co worker
und so bad it makes your eyes dang, well, it's
my life, man, I don't I chat him to explain it.
It's like, uh, someone, It's like someone that's just wears
the same clothes and do not take a bath, for
a shower or even try to wash off. And the matter,
you gotta work with that person for five days a week.

And and I drive truck and we're in the truck. Jesus,
y'all got no HR department. Yeah, I reported them. I
try to get them off my truck and thank you
before we can put it right back home. Yeah. HR
should be able to intervene like that, right, because to me,
things like that are almost like I don't want to
say that dress code, but if somebody came to work,
you know, dressed inappropriately and they were causing a distraction

at work, I think it's the same thing when somebody
hasn't have to have an older right And I think
that they're a respectful way to have that conversation with
a president because it could be a medical issue, you know.
But let me ask you a question. You know, some
people there, I don't want to say their religion, but
their background is based off of what they smell, depending
on what they cook in the crib or the fact
that they use you know, certain you know things, whether

it's cologne or perfume or whatever it may be. So
that might be different from people too. I don't know
what you're talking about about it, but I don't know
what I'm talking about. I have no idea I act
if that if that was the case, you know, because
that's not a comfortable conversation. I want to just to
say the man think but honestly it's high genius, real bad.

But I don't know if it's a religion or off
he's a nerd to be older or something, but something
got to be done. Well if the HR or maybe
make a little joke with them, be like, hey man,
damn bro, you're making right guard goal left right now?
He not? Hello, who's this? Ain't you from Champa. How
do you have this morning? Good? Good? Good? Black? You

got a stinky person you're thinking about right now? One
of my husband's friends. Where they leave the basketball court.
I will it's more like onions were both Sunday that
don't count. They got a valid reason. They just finished
playing basketball. Yeah, but that's not always a basketball though.

I mean, yeah, it's a ball. But the point is,
but they just finished. It's intense. When it's intense though,
when when they ball. But that's that's an every day thing. Oh,
hold on, So it's when they not when they're not
playing ball. They smell like that too, Yeah he does.
But when it's a basketball is like three times on
Sundays that don't don't count. You just tell him, don't

come in your house after y'all just finished playing ball.
Y'all stink. Stay all side. Oh I do that. Oh,
I'll do that. I'll do that. Well, thank you, Mama's man.
I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you the truth. Some of
y'all calling up is the musty one. But don't nobody
want to tell you that's go to one more caller? Hello,
who's this? No? What's good man? Whatever? Hello? Yeah, you

got a musty friend of somebody that you know that
always thinks good good company. I was your food. I
don't want to play anymore. Hello, Hello, Hello, good morning,
good morning. This is blue. Oh my gosh, he blue.

What's up this? This, this whole topic is really wild
right now. So I'm gonna keep it as clean as
possible and be very careful because anybody can get canceled.
But let's okay. It's a certain group of people who
are always must be and I'll give you a hit.
Oh no, no, no, thank you. No, we don't need

to hit, ma'am. Have a good day. I told you
to hit to Jesus Christ. I told you I don't
want to play. You want to keep playing. You want
to take I wasn't. No, all right, can we take
one more sure, just about mustiness in general. Please, let's
try Hello. Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up? What's your name?

Bro Thomas? Hey Thomas. We're talking about stinky friends and
people that you know that always stink. So in dj MVY,
first of all, good morning, good morning you and uncle
Shala morning. That smells like puppy pea and fertilizer, puppy
p and fertilizer whome. It's one of my homeboys that
he still work with. What's his name? Man, Why do

you always smell like that? Mm? I don't know. I
don't know. If you don't have water in the house.
He just doesn't like to wash his clothes. But my man,
but hey, he claimed he get women. You know why
I love us. Were so descriptive, and we're so descriptive
based off things that we ain't. Never smells air back juice.
We don't know what that really smelled like, puppy puppy juice.

We don't know what puppy juice smell. What the hell
is puppy juice juice? Peppy puppy p and fertilizer to
the puppy p and fertilizer. Okay, you might have smelled
some puppy pe all right. But my point is we're
so descriptive, all right. And also my point is I
don't know how to tell somebody that they musty, you
know what I mean. I feel like that if it's
a woman that's musty, it takes another woman to tell

them that they musty. I feel like, if it's a
cultural thing, then that group needs to have that conversation
amongst each other. But who's going to alert the group?
I'm minding my business. I'm just saying like, I don't know,
like you know, because I because I also I don't
know why people, you know, do smell the way they do.
Sometimes sometimes it might be medical reasons. Sometimes it might
be cultural reasons. Some people don't like wearing deodorant because

they don't like the chemicals that are in deodorant. So
you just never know nowadays. So he got that's all
I got. All right, Well, thank you so much. When
we come back, we got your room and report. We
gotta talk Jamie Fox. Somebody tried to scam his rolex.
We'll tell you what happened when we come back. It's
the breakfast Club of the Morning Morning. Everybody's DJ Envy
Charlomagne the guy. We are to breakfast club. Let's get
to the room as let's talk. Shorty Low from my

hands name or you've gossiping or you chatting? Report? I mean,
I guess we're on the breakast club. This is where
the tea spells right now on the breakfast club. Now,
yesterday was Shorty Loo's birthday and they did a huge
celebration of his life at the bank in Atlanta, and
they wanted to do something special. Now, uh, of course,

you know, shorty low, they know, they know, they know. Well,
Cilo decided to go into the celebration with a horse,
like a real horse, like a horse. Yes, he walks
in the club with the horse, and you know, the
crowd and everybody's chairing and Cilo is he's on the horse,
and they start shouting the horse out and shouting Cilo out,

and then the horse did. Horse started wilding, started acting
up and threw Cilo off of that horse. Hilarious. Let
me tell you something, man, I don't I don't never
like to tell someone they're doing too much, because usually
it's the people not doing enough telling you that you're
doing too much. But pulling up to the club on
a horse, going in the club on a horse that's

doing too much? Yes, yes, Like what do you like?
What do you do? Where do you go from there?
Once you come in on the horse? Would you take
some pictures? Didn't get off it? I have no idea,
but the horse, the horse up potty train. They just
don't poop on the side like they poop when they
want to poop, That's what I'm saying. And then the
DJ was telling people get out the way at a horse.
You know, horseman that horse to Celo off. It sounds

like the horse said after you. Now, Jamie Fox has
been targeted in a forty thousand dollars scam on the
set of his Netflix film. Now they're saying he was
filming his latest movie, Back in Action, and it's been
halted because the actor reportedly called the cops on a
staffer who solicited a money scam during protection of production

of the upcoming motion picture in London. They said the
person in question, who has since been fired, alleged to
have made Foxing offer to buy forty thousand dollars watch
Prompton Jamie Fox to get law enforcement official was involved.
We don't know exactly what happened, if he tried to
give him fake money or what happened, but Jamie FOXX
said it was a scam. I don't know nothing about

that all right now. Also, there's a Dear Mama docuseries.
It's about Tupac and it's talking about his love for
his mother. Do we have a clip of it? It's
my responsibility to teach Tupac how to survive his reality.
My mother told me to analyze society and not be

quiet if there's something in my mind speaking. It was
very difficult for me to be a mom, but I
knew very well how to protect my children. I've spent
a great deal of my own life in prison. I
never wanted it to happen to my son. He was
just off. If he was often enough to fend for himself,
he was suffering. We never spent time together because he

was always speaking and going to colleges everything. And then
after that was over, it was more time spent with me,
and we both just like, you're my mother, and she
was like, you're my son, and what do we do now.
The FX docuseries is gonna premiere April twenty first, with
the first two of five episodes released right after each other,

and then the remaining three parts will be delivered weekly
on the following three Fridays. Salute to FX. We don't
we don't talk about effects enough and the great work
they do. It's a lot of my favorite shows that
are on ffects, like a Little Dicky's Dave and I
love Where we are, Where we are in the shadows.
We are all in the Shadows. I know I'm getting
the title of show hilarious, but um, it is amazing

to me how many layers there is. The Tupac like,
I never get tired of hearing about Tupac. I was
just thinking just what made him tick? Never yeah, no,
and me as well, and not only Tupac, all the
hip hop stories. Like I love hearing the hip hop
stories and how people you know, started getting into music
and what made them think the way that they think

and write the music that they write and duced and
did production. I just love all things music when it
comes to those things. Oh, my favorite books to read
at the current moment are hip hop memoirs, you know
what I mean. Like, I just finished reading I read
A ray Quan's book From Staircase to Stage last week,
and I don't know why I was just getting around
to reading it, but I went to I walked up

and I hadn't been in a bookstore in a while
because I always ordered my stuff off Amazon. But I
went in the Bonds and Nobles and bought that book,
and I bought jay Z's Decoded. I'm I'm reading rereading
jay Z's Decoded right now. I just I don't know.
I love hip hop memoirs, and I just I just
love rappers are the best storyteller. So I just love
hearing stories about hip hop artists and from hip hop artists.

I really do, absolutely all right what we do in
the Shadows too. By the way, that's the name of
the show man. That show. It's so funny. It's a
comedy about vampires. If you know, you know, If you
don't know, you need to watch hilarious. Okay, all right,
well that is your room up report. Now when we
come back. We got the people's choice. Make sure you
get your request in. It's the Breakfast Louve, Good Morning,

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Breakfast at zip recruited dot com slash Breakfast Morning. Everybody
is dj NV Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.

Let me shout out to Timmy Roman. I'm actually in Atlanta.
Now be back tomorrow. We're taping her show Unfaithful. I'm
a relationship expert on that show and just talk to
the gentleman and the women about some of the things
that I've been through. Sometimes you don't need a I
would say to go to school for it. I've been
with my wife twenty eight years and I've pretty much
been through everything Upstawns left right, So I'm gonna be
giving my my advice on some of the things that

they're going through today. So I'm excited about that. Salute
to Tammy at row Man in atl And speaking at
atl Man. April twenty second, The Black Effect Podcast Festival
will be in Atlanta, Okay, the first ever Black Effect
Podcast Festival at Pullman Yard. Some of your favorite podcast
before them in Live, Horrible Decisions, Reasonably Shady, eighty five
South showed a Big Facts podcast, just to name a few.

My man Louis Vas providing the soundtrack. We're gonna have food,
We're gonna have the Black Effect Marketplace. We're gonna have
a business and podcasting panel for people who want to
learn about the business and podcasting. My good sister Dolly Bishop,
the president of the Black Effect, shall beyond that along
with some others and it's hosted by me and Jesse. Hilarious.
So go to event bright dot com right now and

get your tickets, okay, and go to black Effect dot
com for more info. And I can't wait to see
y'all on April twenty second. And at al SHARTI all
right when we come back. We got the positive note.
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning bddy. Everybody's DJ Envy
Charlomagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club, starting to
get up out of here. Charlemagne, you've got a positive note,
I do, man, And it goes back to the conversation

we had earlier when we were talking about, you know,
finding peace at work or you know, would you take
a pay cut to have a job that makes you
more happy? And you know the young lady that I
was really inspired by, a young lady that called and
talked about the boundaries that she's set up for herself
at work. And I just think boundaries is so important.
That's why I love Nature to Wild Glover's book set

Boundaries fine piece. But I just want all of y'all
to always remember, Man, if people are offended by your boundaries,
be very aware of those people. Be very aware of
the people that are offended by your boundaries, because if
you're offended by my boundaries, then you're probably one of
the reasons I need them. Breakfast Club, potion you finishing,

y'all dumb

FULL SHOW: Who Do You Know That Is Musty? Tezlyn Figaro With Front Page News, Donkey Of The Day and More! - The Breakfast Club | iHeart (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.