judgement day - Pastebin.com (2024)

  1. ❛ PLAGUE ONE ❶

  2. ❍ Username ❯ @haralee07

  3. ▸ Slot ❯ Pandora

  4. ▸ Full Name ❯ Kim Suwon

  5. ▸ Age ❯ 18

  6. ▸ Gender ❯ Female

  7. ❍ Faceclaim ❯ dream catcher Handong

  8. ▸ Birthplace ❯ Incheon, South Korea

  9. ▸ Hometown ❯ Incheon, South Korea

  10. ▸ Ethnicity ❯ Korean

  11. ▸ Nationality ❯ Korean

  12. ❛ PLAGUE TWO ❷

  13. ❍ Background ❯ Suwon was born into an average family. Her life was pretty ordinary. She shared a close relationship with her parents and brother and they were happy. She went to a nearby playgroup everyday with her mother and sometimes her brother. At the time her mother had no job and her father worked full time, so he didn't spend much time with her. However, he gave her gifts and tried to spend time with her, so Suwon loved him just as much as her mother.

  14. When Suwon turned 7, her father left their family. He and her mother divorced and Suwon and her brother stayed with their mother. They had quite a hard time then, since their mother was rarely at home, always out on a temporary job. Everyday Suwon and her brother would wake up at around 5 am to get ready and make breakfast and lunch. Their mother had usually left by then or was still sleeping so it was just her and her brother. After getting everything done they would leave for school. Once school ended she and her brother would walk home together. When it was 6 O' clock, her brother would cook some instant noodles and that would be their dinner. When their mother came home he would also cook her some dinner since she was too tired to cook it herself. Gradually as they got older Suwon learnt to cook properly for their meals, but that was the only change. That was their life until Suwon was 9.

  15. When Suwon was 9 her mother finally found a stable job as a hairdresser. Their life became better as their mother was now at home more and they had more income. However, Suwon still did most of the things at home. She also didn't talk to her father either. He had tried to call her a few times but she had ignored them. At school Suwon was rather isolated. She only had a few friends and a lot of people in her class disliked her for being so odd. But she managed just fine.

  16. At age 13 Suwon became blind due to being shot in the eyes with a strong laser. She was hospitalized for a few weeks before being let out. Since then she became quite selfish and relied on her mother and brother for a lot of things. Her mother and her grew slightly apart because Suwon no longer did the things she used to be able to do. At first both her mother and brother helped her a lot. Gradually as Suwon got used to it she helped out slightly again. However, she always had to rely on others for some things. Suwon attended a special school and was able to carry on with her studies, though not as easily.

  17. ▸ Family & Friends ❯

  18. ▸ Jeon Jooyeon - 47 - Hairdresser - mother - 7/10 - Jooyeon is Suwon's mother. The two are somewhat close. Before Suwon's blindness her mother was very close to her. However, after her blindness her mother started to drift apart from her slightly because Suwon had suddenly become very dependant. This worried Jooyeon a lot. She wouldn't be able to sleep because of it. As Suwon gradually became more able again, Jooyeon and her grew slightly closer, although there was still a barrier between them.

  19. ▸ Kim Taemin - 48 - lawyer - father - 1/10 - Taemin is Suwon's father. He and her mother divorced when Suwon was 7. He tries to call Suwon sometimes but she just ignores them. Suwon believes her father to be a traitor for leaving her and her family, and she hates him for it. However, deep down, she really misses him.

  20. ▸ Kim Jaeyang - 21 - college student - brother - 8/10 - Jaeyang and Suwon are very close. They care deeply for each other. When their father left them, Jaeyang and Suwon worked together to stay alive. Even when Suwon turned blind, it was Jaeyang who helped her the most. Later on even when Suwon became half independent she still relied on Jaeyang a lot. Suwon is very thankful for everything Jaeyang has helped her with and hopes that one day she'll be able to repay him for it.

  21. ▸ Relationship with Other Slots & Love Interests ❯

  22. ➝ ICARUS - Suwon gets along with ICARUS. Both of them have some sort of physical problem so they can both relate to some extent. Suwon likes the fact that he answers most of her questions, and trusts him quite a lot. However, she really hates when ICARUS lets out his anger on her, prompting her to question whether he really can be trusted.

  23. ➝ ACHILLES - ACHILLES scares Suwon. She has this badass vibe and it is something Suwon doesn't particularly like. They also just don't get along; ACHILLES and Suwon both dislike each other. However, Suwon respects the fact that ACHILLES is creating some sort of justice.

  24. ➝ ECHO - ECHO annoys Suwon so much. Being the curious person she is, she wants to know everything about ECHO. But ECHO'S lying and his deceitful behaviour stops Suwon from being able to know everything about him. The two don't get along and ECHO finds Suwon's questions thoroughly annoying.

  25. ➝ ATLAS - ATLAS and Suwon get along nicely. They have both experienced betrayal and neglect so they trust each other. At first they dislike each other, but later on they become closer and become good friends.

  26. ➝ HERCULES - Suwon respects HERCULES. HERCULES has helped Suwon quite a lot of times before, so Suwon knows that she is very kind. Although HERCULES doesn't always answer all of her questions, Suwon thinks that HERCULES is a good person and respects her. They get along well.

  27. ➝ ARIADNE - ARIADNE'S arrogant behaviour pisses Suwon off. She hates how ARIADNE is so talented, so perfect yet also so arrogant and prideful. ARIADNE makes fun of Suwon's blindness, and it angers her. Plus, how are two both very manipulative people supposed to get along?

  28. ➝ SEOKJIN - Suwon doesn't mind Seokjin. The two aren't particularly close or anything but Suwon finds Seokjin bearable. Seokjin also feels quite neutral about Suwon; the two sometimes talk and Seokjin usually answers most of Suwon's questions. He does find her personality very interesting though.

  29. ➝ YOONGI - It's safe to say that Suwon pretty much hates Yoongi. She is quick to judge him and dislikes him from the very start. She hates how he is so brutal and disrespectful. However, she gradually grows to respect him for his care to his family and the people he loves.

  30. ➝ HOSEOK - Suwon doesn't particularly like Hoseok. Sometimes he's very kind to her, other times he is rude and violent. She also hates how he acts nice but really he's very deceitful. She especially dislikes when he tries to trick her; being manipulative herself, Suwon could tell he was lying. But overall there have been times when Hoseok was very nice to Suwon, though she doesn't remember those times very well.

  31. ➝ NAMJOON - Suwon and Namjoon get along well. They are respectful to each other and Suwon likes how calm Namjoon always is. The two talk quite often about random things, however, despite this, they aren't very close with each other, since neither reveals too much information about them. This bit annoys Suwon, but it is bearable.

  32. ➝ JIMIN - Suwon finds Jimin slightly annoying. Before she knew about his past and how he was treated, she treated him quite rudely. She thought Jimin was just weak and cowardly. However, after learning more about him, she acts nicer to him, though she still sometimes finds his personality annoying.

  33. ➝ TAEHYUNG - At first Suwon finds Taehyung weird and annoying. His personality seems rather aloof. But when they talk she realises that they actually have something in common. Suwon realises that Taehyung is actually very kind, and grows to like him. They become quite close to each other.

  34. ➝ JEONGGUK - Suwon likes Jeongguk. She finds him quite funny and cute. The two talk sometimes and Jeongguk doesn't seem to mind Suwon's curious and selfish personality. She admires how hard-working he is. However, the two are just friends, and Suwon doesn't really care too much about Jeongguk's well-being.

  35. ▸ Fears & Weaknesses ❯ for fears deal more with the material plane and weaknesses focus on emotions. min 5 for each.

  36. ▸ dark alleys - this was the place Suwon was shot with a laser and became blind. Which is why she is scared of dark alleys, and alleys in general. They remind her of that night, and Suwon doesn't want to die or suffer again.

  37. ▸ death - Suwon is afraid of death. Not just the death of herself, but al the death of people she cares about. It's quite natural really; Suwon doesn't want anyone to leave her again, and she doesn't want to die either.

  38. ▸ sudden contact - sudden contact scares Suwon. She will flinch before calming down. This is because she feels like there are people trying to kidnap her, and so she feels fear at sudden or harsh contact.

  39. ▸ heights - Suwon has always been scared of heights. She is scared of falling to her death. While she is now blind and can no longer see below her, she is still afraid of heights. Take her somewhere high and she will be able to sense it, causing her to freeze.

  40. ▸ soulless - while she hasn't ever met them before, Suwon has heard rumours surrounding them. She is scared that one day she'll meet them somewhere and be powerless to what they do.

  41. ▸ Trusting - Suwon doesn't do well with betrayal. Which is why she doesn't trust many people. She also doesn't want to go through she process of trusting others either, since she is scared she'll end up alone again. This means Suwon doesn't really make friends.

  42. ▸ teamwork - Suwon can't work in a team. She isn't great with social interactions and because of her opinionated personality and untrusting nature, she often distances herself away and ignores people she doesn't like. If in a team with her friends, she can work better, but she gets distracted sometimes.

  43. ▸ critical - Suwon criticizes others a lot. The words just come out of her mouth. Suwon cares little about how the person feels; she just wants to express her opinion of something or someone, and it offends people.

  44. ▸ stubborn - Suwon is a very stubborn person. She is quite firm with her beliefs and will not change her mind unless being proved wrong. She also hates when other people give other ideas they think are better than hers, which she doesn't think are. This means that there are times when she is reluctant to accept the truth.

  45. ▸ blind - I don't know how many times I've used this word in my form, but anyways, Suwon's greatest weakness might possibly be her blindness. She can't see anything and relies on her guide dog and others to help her. Problem is, she prefers to be alone, so getting lost isn't a rare occurrence. Her blindness also means that Suwon can't see what's going on, only hear or sense it. This puts her at a disadvantage for some things.

  46. ▸ Strengths ❯

  47. ▸ manipulation - Suwon is good at manipulation. Due to her thirst for knowledge she has experience with manipulating others for information. At first she was very bad at it, but after many tries, she is now very good at manipulation.

  48. ▸ persistence - Suwon is a very persistent person. You could say she was more stubborn that persistent. Once she sets her eyes on a task she likes she will finish it. It's no use trying to convince her otherwise; it won't work. Most of the time her persistence is fuelled by curiosity.

  49. ▸ hearing - You'd expect Suwon to have quite sharp ears since she's blind. Suwon has very good hearing. She is able to hear things clearly from quite a distance away. She is also able to focus on one voice at a time. This, as you probably guessed, is due to the fact that she is blind and has to rely on her other senses more.

  50. ❍ Personality ❯ use bullet points to list traits and describe them in depth. minimum 3 bullet points of traits w 3 paragraphs of info.

  51. ▸ Curious - Suwon wants to know everything. She has an interest in things that are intricate and unique. They fascinate her and she spends her time observing these things. She has an urge to know every secret and puzzle in this world. Whenever she comes across anything new, she will study it until she understands.

  52. However, if she can't find/doesn't get an answer, she feels hurt and worthless and will spend hours trying to find the answer. She will use any methods necessary to find out information, going so far as to manipulate and deceive others.

  53. Suwon has a huge thirst for knowledge and information, feeling incomplete if there is something she doesn't know. This is likely because she turned blind and can't see anything. This thirst is slowly starting to affect her life, slowly destroying her.

  54. ▸ Manipulative - This is a side some people who don't know her well don't expect from her. A lot people also don't realize that they are actually being manipulated by her. Suwon isn't afraid to admit that she manipulates people for the fun of it. She loves prising secrets out of people and has a desire to know everything.

  55. She quite enjoys getting back at people who have talked behind her back or anything else that she deems unacceptable. It doesn't matter who it is, Suwon will manipulate them for whatever she needs. She finds it simple to just wrap someone around her finger and get them to do as she pleases.

  56. However, she doesn't expect people to manipulate her back. Suwon wants to know everything, and do whatever without any consequences. She feels hurt by betrayal and her hate is fuelled by memories of her father.

  57. ▸ Opinionated - Suwon is quite an opinionated person. She is assertive and stubborn with her beliefs and opinions on people. She is quite prejudiced when it comes to meeting new people, not trusting them easily and doubting what they say. She also makes this evident when speaking to people she dislikes upon meeting them.

  58. She especially hates guys who have been divorced before. She believes that they are all jerks who act like they love someone then betray them easily.

  59. She is quite stubborn in this area; refusing to believe people can be good if they've divorced someone before. It takes a long time for her stereotype of some people to change.

  60. ▸ Selfish - Suwon is quite selfish. She used to be quite kind, but ever since her blindness she has been relying on others a lot. She believes that after all her hard work in taking care of her family that now she deserves the same care. She mainly only cares for herself and doesn't consider others a lot. The only exception is her brother, whom Suwon loves and respects for helping her.

  61. Suwon criticizes people and doesn't care too much if they feel hurt. She also dislikes people who don't accept her criticism, because she believes that her opinions are important. However, this has a reason to do with her blindness as she can't fully understand people because she can't see them anymore.

  62. ▸ Hurt easily - Despite being deceitful and manipulative, Suwon gets hurt easily. Suwon never expects people to stab her in the back, although she does it all the time. She feels a great sense of betrayal when these things happen, mostly due to what her father did to her, and due to her own selfishness.

  63. Things like people talking behind her back or friends leaving her out on things make Suwon feel incredibly hurt. She also gets hurt when people blackmail or expose her, even though she does that to others a lot.

  64. Because of this, she also doesn't have many friends, not that she wants more. Suwon can't bear the feeling of betrayal and so she sticks to the few friends she does have, worrying if one day they too will leave her.

  65. ▸ Likes ❯

  66. ▸ peculiar things - peculiar and eccentric things interest Suwon. She thinks they are strange and likes spending her time researching about them.

  67. ▸ jewellery - Suwon thinks jewellery is very pretty and interesting. When she could still see she liked looking at rings and necklaces in shops rather than buying them.

  68. ▸ dreams - Suwon likes having good dreams and dreaming in general. Ever since her blindness she has preferred dreams over reality. She has already accepted that she will be blind for the rest of her life but she still likes to think that one day she will see again.

  69. ▸ herself - honestly Suwon is pretty selfish in some aspects. She cares mainly for herself and believes that she is right most of the time. She also has confidence in a lot of her abilities.

  70. ▸ sweaters - sweaters are an item of clothing Suwon wears a lot. She enjoys wearing them because they are comfortable and warm.

  71. ▸ pop songs - Suwon generally really likes pop songs. They have a nice rhythm and have a calming effect on her.

  72. ▸ waffles - waffles are just things that Suwon enjoys eating. In fact, she enjoys most sweet things. And waffles are one of them.

  73. ▸ animals - Suwon loves animals. They are pure and sweet and she loves to take care of them. They are like her friends and Suwon cares for them.

  74. ▸ honeycomb - Again, this is one of the sweet foods Suwon likes. Honeycomb is once of her favourite foods in general, although she doesn't eat it very often.

  75. ▸ cooking - this is more something Suwon liked before she was blind. However, she still quite enjoys cooking. Cooking, not baking. She mainly likes to cook because she likes interesting food and wants to try some.

  76. ▸ Dislikes ❯ min 10. explain why they have these.

  77. ▸ Secrets and Puzzles she can't solve - Suwon wants to know everything. And if there's something she doesn't know she'll get annoyed. Very annoyed. She'll be thinking about the problem all day just to find and answer.

  78. ▸ being blind - Suwon hates being blind. It has a huge impact on her life. She went from being able to see to being blind. Because of this, Suwon finds it hard to do many basic things, such as cooking. She just hopes that she'll be able to see again one day.

  79. ▸ getting lost - Suwon gets lost a lot. And she hates it. Because it means that something bad might happen to her. Or others will laugh at her for being so useless. Plus it also means that she has a 99% chance of finding her way back.

  80. ▸ stale or burnt food - I'm pretty sure not many people like this, but Suwon especially hates stale and burnt food. She's somewhat picky with what she eats and stale or burnt food tastes horrible to her.

  81. ▸ the rain - Suwon has always thought of rain as gloomy and horrible. She hates how when it rains it is harder to go outside and do things. It also makes the whole atmosphere gloomy. Suwon especially hates when she gets drenched. It's cold and her clothes get wet, which is horrible.

  82. ▸ licorice - Remember when I said Suwon likes sweet things? Of course. Well, licorice is just one of the things that Suwon hates. Apparently, it tastes of rubber.

  83. ▸ lavender - Suwon thinks lavender smells too strong. Okay, a small amount is tolerable, but Suwon hates bushes of lavender. She thinks that they don't actually smell nice.

  84. ▸ tube tops - Suwon thinks that firstly, they aren't comfortable. And secondly, they aren't hot. No. Just no.

  85. ▸ medicine - medicine is just something Suwon dislikes. She hates bitter things. She also thinks that medicine has horrible side effects, so she shouldn't take them.

  86. ▸ paper cuts - Suwon gets these all the time. And she hates them. They hurt more than real wounds and are annoying.

  87. ▸ Habits ❯ min 5. elaborate on each.

  88. ▸ Humming to herself - Suwon likes to hum to herself. Usually songs that she likes, to use as a distraction or when she's thinking and focused. She also hums to calm and relax herself.

  89. ▸ Walking off - Suwon walks off a lot. If she hears something interesting she will just walk off in that direction. What usually ends up happening is she gets lost. Obviously.

  90. ▸ Biting her lip when she's nervous - This is a habit Suwon has always had. She doesn't know why, but she just bites her lip when she's nervous.

  91. ▸ daydreaming - Suwon daydreams all the time. She can't help it. Whenever she daydreams it's like she has gone into a trance. In a away she is escaping reality and entering her own world.

  92. ▸ chewing gum - Suwon literally can't live without gum. She chews it A LOT and she knows. But she isn't willing to give it up.

  93. ▸ Hobbies ❯ sorry I could only think of 3!

  94. ▸ Daydreaming and imagining - Yes, Suwon daydreams so much it's become a hobby. She loves to imagine what her life would be like if so and so happened, or didn't happen. She also likes to imagine herself as a different person.

  95. ▸ listening to music - Music has a calming effect on Suwon, so she loves listening to it. She likes all genres of it, but especially likes pop.

  96. ▸ cooking - Suwon loves to cook. She used to like cooking even more but now that she's blind she isn't as interested. However, Suwon still likes making different dishes to eat, though she finds it more difficult.

  97. ▸ Trivia ❯ min 5. elaborate on each.

  98. ▸ Suwon gets lost all the time. Mainly because she just walks around randomly whenever she hears something interesting. Most of the time her brother or friends have to go and lead her back, because the chances of her going back on her own are very low.

  99. ▸ She wears a pair of tinted round glasses. This is natural since most blind people wear some sort of glasses to cover their eyes. Suwon's are tinted yellow and have a gold rim. When Suwon first started wearing glasses she wanted to wear ones with rainbow rims, but she later decided they looked stupid.

  100. ▸ When Suwon was very young, she had a pet dog. A Labrador called Goldie, to be exact. She loved it very much. However, when her mother and father divorced, her mother was too poor to afford to care for the dog, so they sold it.

  101. ▸ Suwon broke her thigh bone once when she was two from falling from her mother's bed. When she went to check up, the doctor's were worried that her bone actually broke from domestic abuse, so they called the police. After investigating, it was confirmed that she had really broke her thigh bone from the fall, and that her parents weren't abusing her.

  102. ▸ Suwon actually really likes instant noodles and such. Despite eating it a lot when she was younger, Suwon still hasn't gotten bored of it. She especially loves Shin ramyun, mostly because of the seasoning. Suwon likes hot stuff, which is why.

  103. Skills ❯ min 5. explain how each developed.

  104. ▸ manipulation - Suwon is good at manipulation. Due to her thirst for knowledge she has experience with manipulating others for information. After doing it for so long, she is now very good at manipulation and it is quite normal for her.

  105. ▸ hearing - Suwon has super good hearing. Obviously she can't hear a pin drop two blocks away but her hearing is much better than an average person's. This developed since obviously she can't see, so her other senses get better to make up for her lost vision.

  106. ▸ memorising things - Suwon has a naturally good memory. She is able to memorise a list of things in a short amount of time. Because of this, she used to enter a lot of memory competitions, therefore training her memory even more.

  107. ▸ cooking - Suwon has been able to cook since she was young. Her mother was rarely at home, so Suwon had to cook. Through this she developed a skill for cooking different dishes.

  108. ▸ decision-making - Suwon isn't indecisive or hesitant. Once faced with a problem with more than one solution, she will be able to make a decision by weighing the two options and seeing which one is better. Most of the time they turn out to be the better choice.

  109. ▸ Hopes & Dreams ❯ min 3. explain each in detail.

  110. ▸ being able to see again - turning blind has had a huge impact on Suwon's life. I've said many times before but because of her blindness Suwon has been unable to many things, such as cooking. So she wants to be able to see again so she can become independent.

  111. ▸ getting a pet - preferably a dog. Suwon has always loved animals, and has always wanted a pet. Because they were too poor, she had to sell the dog. But Suwon still wants a pet; she really misses her dog and though she probably won't get the same dog, she wants another one.

  112. ▸ have no fears - Suwon has a lot of fears. She jumps and gets scared easily and flinches at sudden contact. ARIADNE teases her on her reactions to these, and Suwon knows that other people also dislike her because of it. These habits annoy her and she wants to have no fears and no abnormal reactions (not in a reckless way).

  113. ▸ Morals ❯ Not to kill or attack anyone unless the circ*mstances permit it. To not be violent and try to resolve things peacefully. Promoting justice and stopping evil people who betray others. (lmao I don't really know how to write a moral code sorry !)

  114. ❛ PLAGUE THREE ❸

  115. ❍ Love Interest ❯ Taehyung

  116. ▸ Backup ❯ Jeongguk

  117. ▸ Love Interest Personality ❯ Taehyung is rather strange in a sense. He seems to be aloof with the rest of the world. He is constantly seen wandering around or staring far into the distance. There is a sense of loneliness in his eyes. Taehyung often feels lost, not knowing what to do with his life.

  118. Around others his is playful and teasing. He always annoys people with his tricks, and they like to distance themselves away from him. Intricate things interest him, and he likes to look at unique products and usually stares at them for a long time. Taehyung lashes out at others quite often; he feels alone and thinks that people don't understand him. He can also lose his temper easily, such as when his 'parents' or family tell him off and pretend they know what he feels.

  119. Really, he is a kind person, wanting to see the ones he love smile. This is shown in his interactions with animals. He cares for them and likes them a lot. It's almost as though they speak the same language.

  120. Taehyung secretly misses his parents. He wants someone to love him, to care for him. He believes that the reason his mother left him is because she saw him as a mistake and hated him. He cares for his cousin very much; in a way that his parents never did to him.

  121. ▸ First Meeting ❯ Suwon visits the travelling circus with her brother. Rather, she tagged along with her brother, since she obviously can't actually see the circus. They are performing on the top of a small hill. On their way there, Suwon and her brother hear a dog whimpering. Out of curiosity, Suwon leaves her brother and walks in the direction of the noise. The noises get louder and louder until Suwon can sense the dog right next to her. She crouches down and can feel the dog. It seems to be a poodle of some sort, with glossy but slightly dusty fur. Suwon picks the dog up and tries to go back, but obviously, she's lost. She then hears a male voice calling someone. Or something. She immediately panics. A few seconds later she hears footsteps drawing closer. Then she hears the voice again, saying something like 'oh, I finally found you.' Suwon becomes confused, but then she understands everything when the guy takes the dog from her hands. The guy then thanks her and gives her his name: Taehyung. Suwon tells him she is lost and that she was supposed to be going to the circus. She also asks him some questions. Taehyung then tells her that he is part of the circus, and leads her to the performance tent. When Suwon gets back, her brother rushes over, worried, and starts scolding her. Suwon tells her what happened, but when her brother looks behind her, Taehyung is gone. Suwon gets suspicious about Taehyung but nevertheless goes in to 'watch' the circus performance with her brother.

  122. ▸ Interactions & Trivia ❯ Suwon and Taehyung actually had quite good first impressions. Suwon thought Taehyung was a good person due to his treatment of the poodle, but also rather suspicious. Taehyung thought Suwon was quite nice but also found her personality very interesting.

  123. They see each other quite a lot at random times. They are quite polite to each other, but also quite casual. They get along quite well and talk about things in their life. Taehyung likes to tease Suwon, and Suwon always gets annoyed.

  124. Usually the two just talk with each other, but sometimes Taehyung takes Suwon to the circus he stays at or shows her to places he likes. Suwon gets along well with Taehyung's young cousin, who also likes to joke about Suwon.

  125. ▸ Relationship ❯ At first they are polite with each other. They act like normal friends, with Taehyung sometimes teasing Suwon and Suwon getting annoyed at him. They talk whenever they meet each other, usually just randomly, and sometimes hang out. But basically all they do is talk about things: e.g. themselves, the circus, etc.

  126. Gradually they come to realize that they enjoy each other's company, and start hanging out a lot more. They also meet up at certain times to do things such as buying food, etc. Suwon cares for Taehyung and they look out for each other (mostly Taehyung making sure Suwon doesn't get lost). Suwon also starts to feel lonely when he's not around, an emotion she rarely feels.

  127. The two start to realise they have feelings for each other; Suwon first, though she is unsure. However, Taehyung also suggests he likes her, protecting her from some drunkards by basically hugging her and pulling her into an alley with him. His cousin basically ships the two together. They spend a lot of time with each other now, sometimes plus Taehyung's cousin. The two finally admit their feelings for each other, though it takes some time before they actually start properly dating each other.

  128. ▸ Suggested scenes ❯

  129. ➝ Taehyung visits a café he's been to before. After ordering a coffee he sits down and does some work. He looks up and sees Suwon walk in and order something. He is surprised since he never really noticed her. He calls out to her and she sits down opposite him. He is surprised she knows her way around since she is alone and hasn't got a guide dog with her. Suwon tells him she lives nearby and visits the café often. She then asks him what he's doing here. Taehyung says he came here for some quiet time. The two talk for a while before Suwon gets up and leaves.

  130. ➝ Suwon is walking on a street sometime in the evening or at night. She has gotten lost and is trying to find her way back. She didn't want to draw attention to herself so she didn't bring her guide dog. A distance away she hears a scream. Suwon flinches and tries to leave, but she is lost so she doesn't know what to do. Someone then grabs her arm. Suwon flinches again and tries to escape, but it turns out the person is Taehyung (of course). He then leads her back home, mean while telling her off slightly.

  131. ➝ Suwon visits the circus backstage with Taehyung. She talks to a lot of the performers and gets her fortune told. She also learns that the poodle was part of one of the acts in the circus. Taehyung introduces her to his cousin, and they get along quite well, although Suwon feels annoyed by his cousin.

  132. ➝ Taehyung takes Suwon to a place he discovered on a hill. It has a full view of the city below. This doesn't really make a difference to Suwon though since she can't see. Apart from the great view the place is also very quiet and peaceful, and there is a light breeze. They stay there and talk about things like their family or stories.

  133. ➝ Suwon goes with Taehyung to order food. While she is waiting for him, she hears her dad's voice in the distance. Desperate to avoid him, she runs off in a a random direction. She runs somewhere (she doesn't know where) and once the voice is gone, she realises that she is (obviously) lost again. While she is trying to figure out which way she came from, she hears some drunk men coming near. She panics and as she is about to run in the opposite direction, someone grabs her and pulls her into presumably an alley. Turns out the person is Taehyung obviously. He hides her until the drunk guys are gone before letting her go.

  134. ❛ PLAGUE FOUR ❹

  135. ❍ Skillset ❯ rate your character's aptitude for each skill on a scale of 1-10, then explain why you gave them that rating.

  136. ➝ Combat ❭ 2/10 - Suwon is quite bad at combat. She has never got into a physical fight before, so she has no experience of a real fight. She also doesn't see the need for learning combat; Suwon dislikes violence and finds it pointless in a lot of situations.

  137. ➝ Wit/Intelligence ❭ 6/10 - Suwon is quite intelligent and witty. She has good academic grades and is quite good at solving problems and puzzles. Though sometimes she lacks in common sense, academically she is quite intelligent.

  138. ➝ Emotion Control ❭ 4/10 - Suwon is someone who can't hide her emotions really well. If she is upset or angry with somebody you can usually tell. However, if needed, she can put on a poker face and act normal for a while.

  139. ➝ Cunning ❭ 7/10 - Suwon is snarky and cunning, being able to extract information from people a lot of the time and giving evil solutions to some problems. She doesn't necessarily realise it all the time, but if she wasn't cunning, then how would she be able to manipulate so many people? Suwon is snarky and cunning, being able to extract information from people a lot of the time and giving evil solutions to some problems.

  140. ➝ Quick-thinking under Pressure ❭ 5/10 - Though not the best when it comes to thinking under pressure, Suwon is able to think up some ideas in a short amount of time. Although at first she stays a bit panicked, she gradually calms down and is able to think properly.

  141. ❍ Emotions ❯ how does your character act when...

  142. ➝ Anxious ❭ Suwon bites her lip and looks around. Her breathing becomes deeper and she frowns slightly. Her hands sometimes shake and start to sweat.

  143. ➝ Terrified ❭ Suwon flinches and shakes uncontrollably. She tries to think of ways to stop being scared. She usually stays paralysed for a few seconds before trying to do something.

  144. ➝ Angry ❭ Suwon yells a lot. Her tone is cold and you can tell she's angry. She frowns deeply and has a habit of clenching her fists and stamping her feet.

  145. ➝ Sad ❭ Suwon will whine and complain. She also has a habit of looking down and taking deep breaths to keep from crying. If Suwon is really sad she will cry. Usually it starts as silent, before she starts sniffling and properly crying.

  146. ➝ Happy ❭ Suwon will jump around and squeal if she is really happy. If she's just happy about something, she will smile be be quite energetic, more than usual.

  147. ➝ Guilty ❭ Suwon bites on her lip and looks down. She will also sometimes blush slightly - her cheeks become hot - and her palms will sweat a bit.

  148. ➝ Disgusted ❭ Suwon's favourite expression is that of disgust. She will frown and make a disgusted face at whatever is disgusting and say 'ew'. She does that a lot.

  149. ❍ Achille's Heel ❯ I'd say curiosity to be honest. Because it has gotten her into a load of tricky situations and makes her do bad things.

  150. ▸ Weapon(s) ❯ Knife

  151. ▸ Fighting Style ❯ Suwon tries to not fight all the time. She hates violence and will try to resolve things peacefully. She also knows she is unable to fight and is incredibly weak. However, if her life is in danger or someone has seriously pissed her off, she will fight, but it's usually only a slap and kick depending on the situation. Suwon will never kill. She probably isn't capable of killing either. She barely knows how to use a gun and can only just use a knife.

  152. ▸ Pantheon ❯ Suwon is very surprised at being a god reincarnated. She didn't believe that gods actually existed, so she is stunned. She also thinks that is amazing to have such powers, though she remains stunned. Suwon knows a bit of mythology. She used to enjoy reading about the Norse, Greek and Roman Gods. However, she has forgotten quite a lot of it now. Suwon hopes that with her powers she will be able to help people who are blind or have disabilities caused by others to become normal again (by normal I mean when they didn't have the disability).

  153. As to which god Suwon is, I have absolutely no idea.

  154. ▸ Apocalypse ❯ The sun going out hasn't particularly affected Suwon's life. Mainly because she couldn't really see the sun anyway. But the soulless scare her. She has heard many rumours about them and feels quite scared. Since she can't even see if they are coming, she feels even more worried. However, Suwon does have a little bit of hope for the future. She believed and hopes that one day the soulless will just disappear and everything will be normal again.

  155. Suwon isn't doing anything to prepare though. She thinks that others should be trying to help, but she doesn't need to because she is blind.

  156. ❛ PLAGUE FIVE ❺

  157. ❍ HUBRIS ❯ only describe your slot's hubris. write a small paragraph detailing this fatal flaw into relation to their character as a whole.

  158. ▸ PANDORA'S curiosity ❯ Suwon is the most curious person you may ever meet. She has an urge to know everything and while she does try to control it her curiosity always takes over. This curiosity has gotten her into trouble many times, as she can not resist the urge to check something out even though it might be dangerous. Her curiosity has also caused her to manipulate and lie to get information she wants. Once Suwon's curiosity takes over, she will basically do anything to find out the answer, even if it means creating contracts with shady people.

  159. ❍ MYTHOS ❯ only describe your slot's mythos.

  160. ▸ What did PANDORA see that she shouldn't have? How did it lead to her blindness? Who caused it and why? ❯ When Suwon was 13, she was walking home one day thtough an alley when she heard what sounded like screams nearby. Her mum had told her to go home immediately, but Suwon didn't want to. She knew that something bad had happened, but she was too curious to just walk away. So she decided to see what happened. The scream came from a deserted building nearby. She peeked through the door and saw a tall man stabbing a woman. Out of shock, she tripped backwards into a low wall causing a loud noise. The man immediately turned around. As well as the knife, he also had a laser gun in his hand. Suwon got shone in both eyes with the laser gun before passing out. When she awoke, she was in a hospital. She realised she was unable to see. Devastated, Suwon tried to convince herself nothing happened, but she was still blind. A few days later the man was arrested and sent to jail. Suwon was glad of that, but even though she was blind, her curiosity didn't die down.

  161. ❛ PLAGUE SIX ❻

  162. ❍ Development ❯ Suwon starts off as selfish, manipulative, untrusting and very curious. Gradually as the story goes on, she sees how other people around her are also suffering and with the impact of her L/I, she starts to become less selfish. She also partly stops judging people from how they look or how they act at a certain time, because she realises that people have their own reasons for doing things.

  163. ❍ Relationships ❯

  164. ▸ Which slot is your character closest to? ❯ HERCULES. At first their relationship is HERCULES helping Suwon with what she needs, and Suwon partly looking down on her for her weakness. Suwon gradually comes to realise that HERCULES is very kind and starts to trust her. She doesn't find her as annoying as before and treats her with respect. The two get along very well and HERCULES is quite open to Suwon, and Suwon trusts her.

  165. ▸ Which love interest is your character closest to? ❯ JIMIN. In all honesty, at first they both hate each other. Suwon finds Jimin's personality annoying and violent. She argues a lot with him. However, after spending more time together, she finds that actually he is a nice person, who has lost hope of being happy again. She feels sorry for him and becomes more respectful and kind to him. She starts trying to help him realise that there are many things in this world he can be happy about.

  166. ❍ Dialogue ❯

  167. ▸ Between Slot & Love Interest ❯ (this will be in a script format)

  168. Suwon & Taehyung |

  169. Suwon: What are you doing here?

  170. Taehyung: I hoped for some quiet and peace. What are you doing here?

  171. Suwon: I live nearby, so it's only natural for me to come here often.

  172. Taehyung: I didn't see you here the times I came here before. Did you come alone?

  173. Suwon: Sometimes. What do you do here, just sit and eat?

  174. Taehyung: A lot of the time, haha. What about you, what do you do here?

  175. Suwon: Same as you, I guess.

  176. Taehyung: Is your life too boring, or too chaotic then?

  177. Suwon: None. Just shut up. Shouldn't you be at the circus training?

  178. Taehyung: I have time off you know.

  179. Suwon: Whatever.

  180. ▸ Between Slot & Closest Slot ❯ (this will be in a script format)

  181. Suwon & HERCULES |

  182. Suwon: Is that you? What are you doing here?

  183. HERCULES: Oh, hello Suwon. Someone dropped their pencil case. I'm picking it up and I'm going to give it back to them.

  184. Suwon: Do you know them?

  185. HERCULES: No.

  186. Suwon: Then why are you doing this?

  187. HERCULES: Because...I don't know. They'd probably be sad if they found out their pencil case was missing.

  188. Suwon: Tsk. Are you being serious?

  189. HERCULES: Yes. Well, I'll see you later. I'm going to give this back to them now.

  190. Suwon: Oh fine. I'll come with you.

  191. HERCULES: Are you sure?

  192. Suwon: Now let's go.

  193. HERCULES: Okay. Thank you. I'll tell you if there's a lamp post or anything in front. Just be careful.

  194. Suwon: I know. Gosh.

  195. ▸ Between Slot & Closest Love Interest ❯ (this will be in a script format)

  196. Suwon & JIMIN |

  197. Suwon: Jimin, is that you AGAIN?

  198. Jimin: Y-yeah.

  199. Suwon: What is it this time?

  200. Jimin: I'm just here to collect my books. No need to be so rude.

  201. Suwon: For God's sake, I'm not being rude.

  202. Jimin: Kay then.

  203. Suwon: Why you still here? Didn't you say you were just getting your books?

  204. Jimin: I am. I just can't f-find my reading book.

  205. Suwon: Seriously?

  206. Jimin: ...

  207. Suwon: Where did you put it?

  208. Jimin: On the table next to you.

  209. Suwon: Oh? *fumbles* You mean this?

  210. Jimin: Yes! Thank you so much.

  211. Suwon: No problem... You can leave now.

  212. Jimin: I am. Geez.

  213. ❛ JUDGEMENT DAY ❼

  214. ❍ Any questions for me? ❯ Nope!

  215. ❍ Anything to add? ❯ No I don't think so

  216. ❍ Password ❯ odyssey

  217. ❍ hi im zach uwu i hope you have great day and get to smile lots. take care of yourself!! ❣︎

judgement day - Pastebin.com (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.