The Surprising Reason Why FedEx and UPS can't Deliver to your Mailbox (2025)

It is illegal for FedEx, UPS, and carriers other than the USPS to deliver to a mailbox because the U.S. Postal Service has a monopoly on delivering mail to mailboxes. This monopoly is enshrined in federal law, and violators can be fined. The rationale behind this law is that the Postal Service needs to be able to reliably deliver mail to all Americans, regardless of where they live. This is especially important for people who live in rural areas, where private companies may be less likely to deliver mail. The law ensures that everyone has equal access to mail service. FedEx has argued against this law in the past, but so far it has been unsuccessful in changing it.

The USPS has a monopoly on delivering mail to mailboxes

The U.S. Postal Service has a monopoly on delivering mail to mailboxes. This monopoly is enshrined in federal law and is known as mailbox restriction law, and violators can be fined.

The rationale behind this law is that the Postal Service needs to be able to reliably deliver mail to all Americans, regardless of where they live. This is especially important for people who live in rural areas, where private companies may be less likely to deliver mail.

The law ensures that everyone has equal access to mail service.

Mailbox restriction law

Mailbox restriction law is a federal law that is designed to prevent any third party from accessing your mailbox. This law was put in place to ensure secure mail delivery for everyone with a mailbox and places strict fines on any violations.

What is Mailbox Restriction law?

Mailbox Restrictionprohibits anyone other than the United States Postal Services (USPS)from placing mailable matter into any mailbox. This also precludes neighbors and or passersby from placing any item into your mailbox.

“Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits any mailable matter such as statements of accounts, circulars, sale bills, or other like matter, on which no postage has been paid, in any letterbox established, approved, or accepted by the Postal Service for the receipt or delivery of mail matter on any mail route with intent to avoid payment of lawful postage thereon, shall for each such offense be fined under this title.” (


"Mailbox Restriction Law, 18 U.S.C. 1725" was enacted by congress in 1934 giving the postal service a virtual monopoly over mailboxes and standard mail delivery. The law was implemented in order to provide a secure method for delivery of mail to each individual home and ensure the recipient receives what they need.

This is important since mail is the main method of communication between government offices and their constituents. All important documents such as voting information, IRS tax documents, and in the modern age, credit card and banking information can all be sent via mail.

Can other carriers such as FedEx or UPS deliver to my Mailbox?

No, they are not allowed to deliver directly to your mailbox since no postage has been paid. Their deliveries must be made directly to the customer, usually by being left at the front door. Most of their deliveries to private residences however are larger packages that wouldn't fit into your mailbox anyways so this isn't much of an issue.

At present, a UPS or FedEx driver cannot leave packages in a mailbox, instead, they must be left at the person's home, for example, their back door or garage. This considerably slows down the shipping and delivery process.

Fines for violating the law

Strict fines are in place for those that violate this way law, amounting to $5,000 for any individual or $10,000 for anyorganization that tampers with a mailbox in any way.

A fine can be issued to anyone if they touch your mailbox and are not the resident of the address of a post office driver.

The Future

Starting in 2019 there have been discussions about breaking the monopoly that the USPS has on your mailbox. A White House task force mentioned in one of its reports that theUSPS should "explore franchising the mailbox as a means of generating revenue." This would allow third-party carriers to place packages in mailboxes instead of having to leave packages on a resident's doorstep.

Some have also suggested that final delivery could also be handled by the post office via their network of postal trucks instead of third parties such as FedEx or UPS.

This could be a significant opportunity for the USPS to boost its revenues while helping other carriers reduce delivery costs by not requiring drivers to deliver directly to the front door for smaller items

The USPS has been steadily losing money and has been bailed out by the Federal Government year after year. This franchise between the USPS and other carriers could potentially all small packages to be delivered directly to your mailbox in the future. As of 2021 however, no action has been taken by the USPS.


It is likely that in the foreseeable future mailbox restriction law may be adapted to allow third-party carriers such as FedEx, UPS, or even Amazon to deliver mail and packages to a mailbox. There are a variety of hurdles that must be crossed for this to happen but it would be beneficial to the USPS by creating an additional revenue stream and also reducing delivery costs for third-party carriers.

The Surprising Reason Why FedEx and UPS can't Deliver to your Mailbox (2025)


The Surprising Reason Why FedEx and UPS can't Deliver to your Mailbox? ›

The USPS has a monopoly on delivering mail to mailboxes

Can FedEx deliver to a mailbox? ›

Can FedEx deliver to a mailbox? In the US, mailboxes are for use by USPS only. FedEx cannot legally deliver items to a mailbox.

Why can't you put packages in the mailbox? ›

In 1934, during the Great Depression, Congress passed a law prohibiting anyone from getting their hands on mailboxes — except for the postal service and the customer to whom it delivered the mail. The law, which aims to crack down on people who save on shipping costs, has been in place ever since.

Does the mailbox rule apply to FedEx? ›

It doesn't matter if forms are mailed via Postal Service or a designated private delivery service, because both could qualify for benefits of the mailbox rule if the IRS physically received the form, and for prima facie evidence rules if the IRS never physically received the filing.

Why can't UPS deliver to PO Box? ›

The United Parcel Service (UPS) has a policy against delivering packages to PO Boxes. The company's policy explicitly states that they do not handle packages addressed to PO Boxes. This is because the USPS is the only shipping carrier in the United States authorized to access all residential addresses and PO Boxes.

Is it illegal for Amazon to put packages in the mailbox? ›

So Amazon, or anyone other than USPS, is not allowed to put deliveries in your mailbox. That is a fact.

Will the mailman take a package from my mailbox? ›

Your letter carrier will pick up your package when your regular mail is delivered. Arrange a next-day pickup or let us know up to three months in advance that your packages will be ready. The Internet never closes. It's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Why can't UPS deliver to my mailbox? ›

It is illegal for FedEx, UPS, and carriers other than the USPS to deliver to a mailbox because the U.S. Postal Service has a monopoly on delivering mail to mailboxes. This monopoly is enshrined in federal law, and violators can be fined.

Can you put an UPS package in a USPS mailbox? ›

With UPS Mail Innovations Returns, your customers can conveniently return their packages using their mailbox, postal carrier, local post office or any postal drop box nationwide.

Why is mail not being delivered to my mailbox? ›

Make sure there are no inconveniences for the carrier that limit access. Postal workers are not obliged to deliver mail if free and safe access to the mailbox is not provided. A vehicle may be parked in front of it, or a fallen tree limb, a huge pile of snow, or some other object could be blocking the way.

What is the exception to mailbox rule? ›

Offeree's change of heart

In contrast, if an offeree first transmits a rejection and then transmits an acceptance, the mailbox rule doesn't apply. In that case, whichever communication the offeror actually receives first is effective.

Does FedEx have a key to my mailbox? ›

The USPS couriers often have an access key to get into a building an of course they carry a postal key to open the mailboxes to deliver the mail. Fedex does NOT possess either of these things and only gains access with the permission of the building manager/owner.

What is the mailbox rule for delivery? ›

The mailbox rule, also called the posting rule, refers to the default rule in contracts law for determining when an offer was accepted. Under the mailbox rule, an offer is considered accepted the moment the offeree mails their letter, rather than when the offeror receives the letter in the mail.

What happens if you ship FedEx to a PO Box? ›

While FedEx cannot deliver packages directly to a PO Box, they offer delivery options like SmartPost and Express that can deliver your package to a PO Box via the USPS. Using a PO Box has its benefits, but there are also limitations to consider.

What happens if you put a PO Box for UPS? ›

Note: UPS cannot deliver to a PO Box. If you cannot obtain a street address and use a PO Box, the telephone number of the recipient must be on the label. A shipment addressed to a PO Box can experience delays, is not covered by any UPS service guarantees, and is assessed an address correction surcharge.

Why do companies refuse to ship to PO Boxes? ›

Items can only be shipped to PO boxes using USPS - Since many companies prefer to use single carrier (UPS,FedEX,DHL,etc) for the majority of their shipping, PO boxes often creates additional paperwork and headaches.

Does FedEx leave packages at the door or mailbox? ›

If a shipment requires, either an indirect, direct or adult signature, and a delivery attempt is made, but no one is there to sign for the package, the driver will leave a door tag at the recipient's door. If no signature is required, the shipment will be left at the recipient's door.

Can packages be delivered in a mailbox? ›

USPS is the only package delivery service that uses the mail clusterboxes, in which the mail carrier should place the package inside the parcel box and provide the respective key to open it in your mailbox. The parcel boxes are the large mailbox doors located at the bottom of the box.

What happens if I drop a FedEx package at the USPS? ›

It will be taken to the post office and they will call FedEx to pick it up. When the opposite happens, USPS mail in a FedEx drop box, typically the mail carrier picks it up the next day when the mail is delivered.

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